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Show LATEST NEWS BYTELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT. Germany Imperative on the Question of Guarantees, The Armistice in France Prolonged. . Spepcli of Thiers ou the Work of the French Administration. Negotiations fjr Peace. How the TJ. S. Commissioners Found San Domingo. Another Canadian Paper" Against Annexation. Congressional Intelligence GENER AL A FAYS. TIIE "TEWESSEE" SAFELY ARRIVED AT SA DMIIiVGO. She was Detained for Want of Coaling Facilities. &c, &.C., &.C. . FOREIGN. London, 20. The Times' Versailles special sa3's : The Moniteur states that the prolongation of tbe armistice would be an injury to the position of the Germans, and Germany is resolved co omtinue the war if compensation for the past and guarantees for the future are not given. Germany must insist on guarantees, especially tho-e procurable procura-ble by tbe occupation of Pans. No food is allowed to leave Versailles. The Timts Berlin corresponilo" says it is aereedtLli'1-fcl"7ilack Sea ,n f,,r-- ? ar, and anthojii ViUJiorte to aanm -1-- iftlles j armed vessols. Russia and Roumania alone excepted. Russia is not opposed; Turkey hesitates. A prolonged armistice is accorded, in return for tbe surrender of Belfurt. The limts' Constantinople special says the Porte objects to the powers having more than two ships in the Danube. The marriage of the Princess Louise is fixed for the 21st of March. Paris, 19. The authorities fear an unpleasant demonstration agaiDst tbe Emperor William and Bismarck if the Germans enter Paris. The Germans have a prefect appointed at St. Dennis. Den-nis. Eight hundred thousand francs haved been exacted there. Bordeaux, 20. In a speech to tbe Assembly, Thiers dwelt upon the distress dis-tress and sufferiug caused by the war of invasion and the necessity for peace; nevertheless peace would be courageously discussed with tbe Prus- sians auu uuiy avA- t he Usk of the administration will be to be pacific and reorganise the country, restore credit and reorganize labor. When this is accomplished, the country itself will decide its desti-sies. desti-sies. The Assembly has adopted the proposal of covernment, to send a com mission of fifteen deputies to Pans to act as intermediary in tlie negotiations with the Assembly. Thiers has proposed that the Assembly suspend its sittings during the necotiat ions. Thiers, Picard and Favre left for Paris this evemn?. London, 2Q. The Brussels li'Mn ays BismarJk will sonn recognue the French republic. The Bouapartists aro willing for a plebiscite. St. Domingo City. 3. The commissioners commis-sioners arrived here from Samana Biy yesterday. Every one connected with the party is in excellent health. The want of coaling facilities detained the ,hip six days at Samara. The commission com-mission found the inhabitants of that peninsula very generally favorable- to annexation. A full investigation was made into the ownership in and around the harbor, which shows that no Lm ted States official is involved in any private transaction whatever. The commissioners landed here this morning, morn-ing, and were formally received by I Bacz. Wade explained the character ( and object to Biej and his cabinet, who cave them a cordial welcome. Prudent Baez said that pe.ee and a stable government woiud iuHow union with the United Sta'es. 1 he people were all all anxious for union. Cabrel had no Dominicans with bim; tbe force he was supposed to command being llavtiens, and llayti was the real mover in the whole ma'tcr. lie had information that an incjr:on wa to be made whi.e tbe Commiioners were here, to influence them, and from nis asents he had learned the hi,e movement Five of the party caiiin across the island from tamana to ibis place. The Coujmi-ioncrs tnd, thus tar, 00 appearance of pub. ic d.-tur;.an-?s or dir.- nti n-. Tr.e soam is v,-ry hcaUhy. Toe o:5cers and cn-w A the Gl- S. tuiu is ii ww. A 7 .' ...V. lad J"t'c, n"W m this harlr, are au k-lIi. The ' CVmrois-t...nei intend to -tan home in a:v.n t"'-'r Ver-ai lcs -....-Of tbe t:,ve unions un-ions of fraucs impend on :lo uYr.an-mcnt uYr.an-mcnt of 0:se, ten millions is dekrred. Similar cosiona are made by iL , Germans elsewhere. An eicbance of prisoners will occur soon. Paris is quiet. Toronto, 20. The J.?aJr, commenting comment-ing on Howard's resolution offered in the United Suites Senate, recommending recommend-ing a high commission to provide lor tbe cession of British Xonh America, says. lTbe proposition is advanced in an offensive spirit, a d is of course quite ina dmissable. We can assure our American neighbors, that it' they desire closer relationship with the Dominion Do-minion than that at present existing, they are taking the very best means in their power of preventing its accomplishment, accom-plishment, because insolent propositions proposi-tions ot this kind only provoke a bitter spirit of hostility in this country towards to-wards the L'uited States.'' |