OCR Text |
Show filOiL'ALi F.TT li 1 KUIC T, SUri&ElN AND PHYsICIAN. ,t K:-lence. rear of ScTntie Ilalt f. KUSOA, M. D., SUSSZQN AND PHYSICIAN, K-ulw., t(;' T'"rteimh Wlrd- "TrTI c. jrmsby, -Jiy-JICIAN, SUKGEO-V ASD ' " DKL'liGIST, ., BIUOIIAM CITY. UTAH. " LEGAL. iu'hKPAfRlCX &, MANN, Attoriie.vx-M t-Law, Oti'lCE luar Soctu St., f rii door "t "1 ilnPr. llrJg 4 t SNUW. E- D- H0GE- SNOW & IIOGK, Attoroej-i and Counselors at Law Sail Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's comer, 1st East St. " HOTELS. Toiviisend House, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HO'l EL IX UTAH. JAMKS TOW.VSEXD, jjl Proprietor. Salt Lake Mouse, EAST TEMPLE STREET, S A L T i- A K K G I T Y. Tll.DE.V fc LAWllE.VCE, Prop'ru. RfcVBRE house, Late Omaha House,) Will hcre.ifcer bs conducted as AFiRST-CUSS HOUSE, In all its appointments. It will bTenovU'l and ro-furnihed, and i' iaua--'oiuiit iitttiiidcd Jy.in a. mumier Lu 1.1 :ri- :iti-l.i iwn us to h -fra nnd Pi ices. !:,e Ihm-o will b! cnn-lucied ttricti.v on Tlie Europen.11 1'lau. The Kesaurant C.iN FOR MEALS AT ANY TIME DURING TWE DAY. ,;; h. win r renoiiE, Prop. TOOELE HOUSE, It. MclIENDKIC, Proprietor. Corner of Miilii and Vine Streets, TOOliLK CITY. CALL AND BE ACCOMMODATED IN THE llV.Sr STYLE. Bid, Board and Attention of the best WOOD BAR ATTENDANTS. R (UlAND HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery and Second cHiuets, SA.IV JTlt. ANCISCO, CATj. JOHNSON k Co., Phoprietors. fa BANKERS. F 1 11 ST ' AT I OA A L BANK OF UTAH, Silt Lako City, Utah Ter. W. U. Ilooooor, H. S. Kliiredgo, L. S. Hills Hooper, LMieilsfe Co., BANKERS. East Temple St., Salt Lake City, Dealers Id U Put Coin, Exchange, Land arrants, Etc ellocilon, , j prulllj.ri.mi,tcd. t'OUUK.SPONDEXTS l r-?,'-'. "- N",v Y"rk i ..rci.f..rnim o i 'H I"" !'"""1"'1 B'"". 0!liCH, ; K,. Co., London. ju HE BANK cf CALIFORNIA " KKA.VCI.HO. v l S . OOO, OOO. .Pt1?,1,0 'SSUE LETTERS - urid. , WILLAM TTCALTON, H !u!i'KXCKD WK1.L-I.MOKK. on. 'o h w' lw" "th .f llth Ward j r.' "'" ''' W'11' ' "rdor on lh TAFT & 3 MEET ON, N0 CEN E R A L JV1.NINQ AC E NTS 0111 1 tt CITY, 4 KAST C.l), i' tail 2ATIIS, B ATIIS! Warm Sp, ;,,- nalhs ! V., I'rlvnte ami plunge. .T'.?''rH'-1 v'"' r oiH.n to ilio imbtic nl 1 L,, ' J ,,1.rl ;.r,- v idclj I, " " n""',l,,,, to oninHorate thorn. i'"m..i U" for i,..l.o. i nlT ,m,M now x.u. n. AK.VOLU. Truckee Q SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. llali-IIIocIc South U. C. Depot. i i F i D. W. PARXHURST, o22 Proprietor. Trees! Trees!! Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Ornamental Trees, Gooseberries, Shrnbberjr, Currants, Greenhouse Raspberries, Plants, Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc. .J O II W -l SS- H" X TV ( V, NUflStRYMAN AMD FLORIST, P. 0. Box 35S SALT LAKE CITY. Tj. T di.-f5 THE ; AVERILL Chemical PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS! Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT DIF-FERENT SHADES, prepared tor immediate appbeation and requiring requir-ing no mixing, just received and for sale at the Drug Dep't, The ingredient? of the?e Paints arc simp! e and indestructible. Tbo qualities with which they reomraend themye ves are : Cheapner, durability, superiority of color, an unusually;tnooth and glos-y appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will itand fire or r iin, and docs n n crack or peel off with atmpherio change,-, nor chalk off by friotinn. 'ihey are tbe best, cheapest, mo-it durable and most popular Paints in use. The AYE RILL WHITE PAINT isaZIXC PAINT, containing no lead, and ii of eual superiority and popularity. Brln? nlong your Plnt Cans open and purchase by t lie Gallon. A Ft'LL LrXE OF Foreign, Domestic and Case LIQUORS At the Drug Department, Z.C.M.I. H. B. rnwsos, Snpt. WiLLIAM CLAYTON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Mining De-is nd other L-e:il Iruir-i-rr.er.U nciinow'.ti.iti. NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Collection, muHe In all pari, of t.nrope. Buiidcm atseaJc' t- with tmt'tw a-l OFFICE AT T.. C. '1 I., K.U.I.F. KHHOKUJI. 1 2n nnn ioxtjntx U.UUUir.ON AN3 STEhL At i!attt Ai Hoffman'. Oppoilt Salt I.ak Hoa.e. HENRY T. KELM30LDS i COMPOUND FLUID: Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts FTuid Extract Rhubarb Rhu-barb tni7 F uid E-traci Cc.iaicta Grajie Juice. FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS. J AUSPICE. lilLK'U- AFrE TIcN'S. SICK OR XKK-VUL XKK-VUL S 11 E PAClit:. COTlVENi.-; E:o. PIREl-Y VEGETABLE. CuNlAlM.N'r N'O ilEriCL Kl'. AH.EKALS OR LEL. E-'It.R.ULa E-'It.R.ULa llfxL'tii. "These Pills are the m si delightfully ple.is-am ple.is-am I'liro'i'.iTe, tm.er;eoing caUT "ii, sits. magnesia, etc. Tncre is naming more ac-tpt--bU to tne st -mac, iney give t -ne. and Cause nt-itner nausea nor griping paius. tuey are coojposcd ot th-F.N::sT im; kk-DiKNS. kk-DiKNS. Alter a few days' use of tnvux. sucn in luviguraiioQ tl th entire ssteui latiua placets, to a, pear niirauKu5 to the wcas. adj enervated, whether ariiug from imprudence impru-dence or aisese. Ji. T. lle.uitKjla's Compound Com-pound .Fluid Excra-cc Ca.awba Gi.ie i'iiis due n'-'t eug.ir-euated, ironi the lact tnt iugr-cudtei Pilis do not dissolve, bat piss j i.xrouya me siom.tch witauut dissolving, cuiiifcaeQtiy ao n-'t produce the desired effect. ef-fect. J-UECAlAVVliAlrKAPE PiLLS, being be-ing pieusam in taste an.l oaor, uo not ncces--u te i.neir b-me sugar-co-ued. PiiCE if IF IT CE.TS PER EjJu IIS HUHY T- H.lri3IBOJLr' 3 Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Will radically extermina:e from t!;e system Scrofula, riypmhs, fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore hyes. Sure Legs, Sore Moa.ti, Sore iiiMd, lirouchitis. bkin Dise ises. Salt Kheutn. Cm -.ers, Kuuninga fr ni the Ear. W hite Swellings, Swell-ings, Tumors, Cancerous Aa.-ctious, Nidt-s, i Rickets, tiunduiar &wdlii gs, N Uat Seut. Kah, Tetter, Humors oi all kiuds, throa:o Kheumatisin, T-yspepsia, and all diseases tiiat have been estauiisned in the system for years, Being prepared expressly for the above complaints, Hi blood-i-uriiying properties are greater than any other preparation o sarsaparilla. It gives theeoinplexion a clear and healthy color aud restores the patient to a state ot health aai purity, Eor purifying the blood, removing chronic constitutional diseasesarisiug from au impure suue ot me olood, auo. the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of fTams and swelling ol the throat, aud leg-, uloiches, pun pie- on the fWe, erysipelas aud all scaly eruptions of the sum. and beautiiymg the complexion. PK1CE, il 60 Px,K iiUlTLE. HEMIY T. ile,JL,?I BOLD'a CONCENTSATjiD FLUID EXTRAUf BUCHU, Tile Great Diuretic, has cured every ca-e of Diaoetes in which it iiixi been given, irritaii- n ol the nee, o. the Uiaddof and Intlammatiou of tne Kidneys, Ulceration of .he ivi ine.s and JJladuer, lie-teution lie-teution of Urine. Diseases ot the Pros ti ate iiand. Stone in the B adder, Calculus, travel, Liriekdust deposit, and Mucous ur Milky Liscbar-es, and for enfeebled a.id Dei-icaie Dei-icaie Constiiuiious of both sexes, atteuued with the following symptoms : ludis posit iou 10 insertion, L.os oi fower, bo?s of .Memory, ijiuieuity of breathing. Weak Nerves, iieni-blmi;, iieni-blmi;, Uorror ol uu-ese, Watteiulness, Dimness Dim-ness of Vision, l'aiu iu tne iiaek, llotiianus, i-lushiug oi tlte Body, Dryness of ih(j i-km, truiHou on tne U.e. PuiJia Countenance, l mversal Lassitude of tne Jj uscuiur system. Etc. tsed by persons from the ape of eighteen to twenty-live, aud iroui thirty-live to fiuy-tive fiuy-tive or in the deel.ue or change ol lite; a. ter c ntiuement or lauor pains; Ded-wetting in chiluftu. Ueluibold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood punljing, and cures all ui&e:-es arising aris-ing rrom II ibiua of uis.-ipatiou, and lixce.-sts -luii imprudences iu Life, Impuruiys oj iho Bloud, etc., sa. ersediug Copaiba iu a ectious fur winch it is u.-ed. and Sypu.liuc Aliections in thes dise .ses used in connection with HelmDold's KoseS aeh. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract, iiucua is unequalled uy any oLner remedyas iu Chtoroi or iteieuuou, ir regularity, reg-ularity, Paiuiuluess or ouppresi m of Cus-lomary Cus-lomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or oeuirrus slate ol tne U lerua, Leucorrh.ea. or Wtn.es, otunhty, nd lor all Cum)iaiuts incident to the sex, wheiher arising from luuiaeieiion yr iiabiw of Dissipation. o H T HELM BOLE'S EXTKACX UUCaU CL'KES DIriE AES A1U-EKOM A1U-EKOM IMPKL'DEXCK.S, HABITS) UE DllPAilOX, ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no cn.iiige in uie , no inconvenience, and Do expo'iite. It i-HU-es a freiueui de-ire, and g;vesrtrentli to Cnnate, thereby retnov in Obptruclii-na, Preventing and unriug ."siric-t ."siric-t u res of the U ret ha. Allaying l'aiu and I n-diiu;maiioii, n-diiu;maiioii, io ireiuent iu tins cias ot dii-es- a. aud expelling all I'otsonuua matter. Tbounds who hve been the viciimp of ine mpeteiH jtron, and who h.ive pnl heavy ices to bt, cured iu a f nort time, have louud llu-y have b. en deceived, a-.d that the ''Pulton" ha, by the u?e of ' power. u 1 a-t in-genLS,"' in-genLS,"' bt-eu drua up in tae .-yoteai, to bieapi. uui in a uiore i.Kgra. ated lorm, and l tti . J a:ter Marn.u-. L'-ie lULMif-LPS ExtkaCT EL-, in tor ad Aueaiou a'id Di-eas ol tne Canary tr-giins, tr-giins, wiieiuer cxituig in Male or i- e nai'j, lr,.U whmcver c.iu-e oriinaling. a:,il no m.itie-oi h-i b'i'g frtanaiu. Paifv. U'lLLAH A.nD kltl Cx.Nl.-5 Pt-H Bl'1-XLE. Bl'1-XLE. li IIENKY T. HELMDOLD'S IMl'KOVED KOSK WASH ennnot be Mirpa.-'cd a" a FACE WAIJ. ar,d will oe found tne only jpeciSf rem-dy in eve.y fiecie ot Cui-nc-us ilv. ; i-ij. it -pTlilv C'-.d.CatCS I I'LI'-S. 1 I - I I " R A "fl'Na the U'f BKNE. .-'""KB I' 1 .C DB i N . e:- . -i--pt-i Kr.DN E-3 and i.i nnetit INI i.A.M M -TlnS. Hl'r-. P.i.-ii, A'jL't I'Al' M r.. L'HVNE.- .'E S'.'ALi Civ m I N . K 1 lil 1 nr.d nl! purp -fC 1 r w:n h A L l.S or "i N 1 i tiS are u?l. But h'-wevr valui-l a a r-'inedy i-r c.iunr -i-;c" the 'kin. II. L. lie intld e B-e Va.-aria J-n. ,(,;. iinc-1 it.- priu'Mpie ci-tnn to tr.r- r. i- i patroiMV. by j...--e--i r.y 'iiiii';- wl.i H mi ier n a 1' ilL-bf A i i'L iJ A l. i I Hjc I,-,,.; i(,rri!!e ar,d Lo l I - i ' :..irrf.. Jef. PBICE U.Nl D"BLAK i'LB i.'ill-t, LVii'ire - ' he n:-'-t r ;' n-, 1 r i- i u ! . d "i - ' ' ' r.- i . . J ' n i - - .if l " rurr, r. 1 i" ry ie . :.. xji:,;. f fM.ame lr ..i i:.e i. a-i a-i ; :isr f n. mt r. l i t.y riciai?, L itrj :l, t l -me.., c.c HENRY T. KEtM33tD-S GENUINE PStPAKIiONS. T"::-e; j..-.-e-iir'( in "i -ta 'T: ri'-v..r.; -.-kt tv Vt.U,- .- I t-y ir.c..-- -: 1- n f 1 1 .-.V I. Ii t.L-. : . , u: t . i y i. ,. H. T. IiLLV J: ' ! It- t V Y : li- I if -Mi I-;. : v .- I- :. 2 i':.... "y't.T. C'F f C'NTF' FLIT. A.k f r Hi NfrY I. liEl.Mavia'5 ! IaK. ."-'J CHICAGO TRADE. IMGE, BKO.tv CO., Importers anJ IValers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, SJrp,. CHICASa "ILL Lake Shore Ojl Works. MAXWELL, WhFeLES &, C3., Ianu:acturers of Engine, Sieonl, Tallow, Lard and WOOL. OIL. Dealers in Heftdliht Csrbon, AVhale Eiepbant, ei and pcrna 0;U, Aze-TiZA for th? s-dc of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agvnta of the West Tirpiuia Oil and Oil Und M-VXCFiCTUKElS OF EX-ELSIQR CAR, RJO.- ASj IRON P A IKT 1'or Xin and ShiuIe rwx-ts, Brnlge TiMjler, Ac, Factn-r. CHICAGO. Office, 3yo A Illinois s-u. It's S. Water Sir. el, VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & RE1D wilOLKS.VLi: DRUGGISTS Dealers lu PAINTS, VARNISHES, GILS, DYE STUFFS," BRUSHES. Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &c, to 90, 9'4 fc 94 Lake St., cor. Dearborn "With a large experience in tho Territorial trade, we feel sure of giving satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. 1S MARKLEY, ALLING &, CO,, Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery 51 Lake Strrtt, CHICAGO, .... ILL. dS DIEBOLD &l KIENZLE, Successors to Die-lfM, Biihmsun A Co., CELKBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF AFE, Aod Sartfent'a Macnelic and Automatic Bank B M. ? PRATT & COVERT. General ArchU Sli Washington tit., Cliicago. II. B. CLAWSON, S1111I. 7.. C. M. I., Agent for ttRh '1'errllory. n.W KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS MWintry and Straw 6''i"i., etjKii.sh Avt., rUTPSPfl I 3 . 4 Uearboru Place, UllllyllUU Jl isiiiGc; holm: B- H. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Well ami f ' 1 f I T1 ( Yl ltBi.dolpli M reel a, VjlliUAUU. Thi House in centrallv lof-ated, well furnished, fur-nished, an 1 contains Rooms. CHASE, HANFCRD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarter for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, j Manufacturers of the celebrated j W1LHON (J IL T ANIC. , A ' NEW YORK TRADE. ! Pool, Nazro. Kimball & Co,, WHOLESALE GROCEltS 3.5 Warren Ft cor. h u rr h, I J. II- LTLfiER. New York. ;.molli:r"s i 01) - MVKIl OIL. I 1 EftL.lni'.rn ; 1 i L'Tid' in I -il"rr.a i r,Hl Ki hibi- ' ti-n. (t .; I M- I.i, -f K-ynl -tj i,T t;,c I w--''rroi N'r'av. j -j, ij f-at Y.x I, it -it i'ln a; ! V. blrn. j-.T l'lirtf Iri:Trat:'r.HJ K i u i f t A: ' ti t'- K i.-'t - 't. - r t - - j - . - . n,-,h i r ' .- k, t -i irf h .'. t.t : V .''iiinr:i'-i ti-'i i 'a r lot rn . -. ,. ; , r. j PI I ) 'II. -T 'J.. in J . Vfln -u ? tip 'I I i- . ' ! it '-.-: . v ''. J -u U- . j - i - j ! f Jrf I j lfi:.Tl wi 1 -h' r;i ;!. . II. hi fUlIn 4t ( w Vor k, ; C. a. I .TfiT.'. J-.-.r, y i.-w.-K. ;LJ3SIRLET & SLD1W.CK if,' Z 17, .MEN'S &23YS' CLOTHING, IU A. 411 Brudw.r, w V.rk. I u4 PRACTICAL WATCKMAXiKS. -. .SS o ELIASON &, HAUERSACH, Next Door East of tlie Herald, Are workmen who nt or.'.y repsr Watclies and Clocks, but will luhkC W a. che to orit?r in any dt-sired s:yle, or sny p.irt h-ai, from a pivot or pinion to an enure Watch. Work Executed on Moderate Trrmi, CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep con$:si:;ly on hand. Wholesale an:! Kelail, Choice ImTtid LIQUORS AXD WINES, At Lowest Kate. G R O E S K. C K ' S II 111. DIMJS, ulT Kt Templr Si ri ri. C. li. BASLTt. li. t". Horn N. BHSSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural I in ,le nit'ii I a And .11!ulii Tnol., At Lowe t Rateit. OPPOS1TK SALT I.AKK IIOISK nli ,n:ri cms: GRAND GIFT AM MUSICAL JU1ULEK! SIO6,L50.OO W0UT1I OK Real Kslat?, I'crMiual Tropu'ly ami .Money. Divided into 3,138 Gifts ' TO HE DistriluitcJ nmoiiL' the Tii'kt-l -lmKIoi-s. PRICE OF ADMISSION', 91. Tickets limit', I Mr,.i:,il, n;-r:itjinj one Hi ft Io rnri tln'iiifmir " Tiekrl issued. O AID .Inliiloi- I.i ho held in I'mni.-il llliirTn. 0 F.-I.nt.iry I 7 1 . . . . wlnrti u, .vision .vi-sion several ot tlio most ,1 it i uu i-Ii od Ar-liste? Ar-liste? in the I'ni ed Sui.--;. mil a--il. 1'ho prornnjnu- will h'-rcaller lie minonn I. llnrina ilio J 1 1 1 . - r aiMiii.-iil I li n lollowng lil ft p will be .1.1 r ilm 1 1' I, n. oni :u room on See full description o f,',?' i.i Circular ! f Hi:,' Fint (Irnnd (Jilt, iti-- h o-i-i tut, F urn 1 1 urn, an 'I i rmi u-l ol i . J tiiurin . thI u 1.1 at . ....... ? Ji.""n.it Second t;(;inil lull, a 1 1 . -1 d 11, and Wrini ii'le, va I u i-'l Ml (i im i i ) Third li.ti, one l-ii-u,t llmi.r an-1 tJroanii-, aim- I nt 4, if POUT! I liltt.etic l'.J-l'lfrii-i- r.M - intrtiam Mrrp.t, t j f 1 1 j . i 1 by A. W icki'ic ,'ti.(itl Fift'i tiilt, 1 Ait '- m( iit.-t 'ju.iii'y Karin Lsn l, v.i uo 2 !!) 1 Giti -it on... pur ..i Jilek M.i(t.iii .M ii ri'M, h a - n a h-l imv try 1 . 1'"1 "o 1 Citt of -i m i tr ji lir.-i.t J'lm.i.. iiluo o 1 'ii t o i;mt War-, v .Imh ;U 14 tiiti- o' City Cot.- i.t. l troun-i-, value i"- e-fh 21. "Hi ' 70 (mu ol ' ity Lotf Mij'i (iroiii., v.ihic M ' :, jrj (. 1 Win to tl-- p-ior .f ' nti'"l 1!!-m1-, to be .li-tnt.L:'. bv J':. rfc-; i.-r o( Iii t-H-ra, 2 -T MrMl . I'll ;hi of iii'J' i H, H Oj I t r 1 1 1 1 C 1 2, '""l I l 1 Gill to i he in t in .;i In- hhp ,,r Mni'iu, ,"ini 1 1 ii-i l lie iimi.I 'I 1' r."-T !'-r ,,, , HtlHI'l. H I.I T i t; , fi to 1 1 1 '!" -.til i .1 :,y m 1 1 hie t lit Iii .- 1 j 1- V tj' I'nir Ci-.l X', U," 1-n,-i..'.p. - -if r,,. Jt fi I'- .. .tiar'Mia. uri,a lo., ,,T Work i j i ar j ii . 1 iii'-ri, n-dir.K inot 1 i'n niiii To t W iK'ly ill I l fill iT iilj r i (f tllf OO.-t J O k- t., , in 2.fn .il:- of n.- b .11:. r h..- :, , n .(- (iilif oi l i.i Ctir t . ii 'J ht Kn:-T (iitAMt I'i.izk iN ll0 r:i ..; wii Ik; wnlijr;m n. A i-r-rnnim of K;v l!jr,!n I Jo,U:ir. r i ' I h i 1 )-.r tu l.i-t u.Miiitti- ,:i rnj.i, IN"' or M , ,.,;,. t , wi o w ill i i-H 'I ur r c i n- J it '-i ( . . ii ri, -r,. f- i . . i --.r i ( . : :; t.i ,,. I-'i- 1 1 J 1 n 1 rij : , u I( t i i . i -, J . l , . Ii'-- " r- I- r ti.- h tr.iul : ' i i.:.-,- . , . . ri mi ij I -, m it t, it,, I-!, 'iW id i , , i i ur j J.-r.--. , I. .u..-.. j-.-,..-. I 1 1 1 t ti t , j'.i.ix. i ,,e- ml i ' . ri i-t i J,.t. and 01- r A l'.-v. flH-.r.. -,. -rranty I'" 1 ' a'.ow .. :, f. i :, i , w 1 1 l.t- u (.'- .if I wiili llifj 'nn:nii:f mii .(. tr . '.u -1 1 - ii 'ii i ( ' j in'IO. ) to . f t , l-.,i p-i'f , ,,. ,t u f 1. !,. i- . " i- pr-. ,,, f, lio-.ue '1 imi, i i . . . I , j'. 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' "' i '. Mo,,' n U' r;-ii,. A'l ir-. 7 IIOl AH JO h H.1IIH, ,In-Krr, ,'.. l.r-..-r .. I . j . lf J;io!.'jo. )? " -v Jl---, w ..r , d y i.o-,m. f y.-i-r ly ; -r-ii.v-:, J .fl1 ri:, Ii-' V ' : (I..- k. I - u ,.. .! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A t -j.. -.. i r- J. o. I :, :.- jo, ' 1 I J, .... . '.. i ". t;.. '.. i -u .., i. . . i p F-i t .i --, n t1, . ,, . ,,rli, I .,.u, r If- " I I', if. rr '. V M : : I '!.,-,-if, . I'm .ir l .,t t;,c in- j ti Jirn-i; '.- I I. '' -I - ' : ' -1 '(.' 1 .r , f - ri i. : i; - .v ti ... . - r ; i,r...- A Lr-. I M-wnft ,t fia-.. A . i-. MI, 1. . I 1 L i i I - A ' '. I. :,, i.j, 1 1 -, 1 :.0 I t. I.; i - -i .i.y. -. . i,. r. . A .o j I- -' i' l' '-" . -i-l Oib- I f- " - ' i ' "' I i'.-i 1 .-ut.-, ! 'J-t ; " 1 " - " u y ' I : " ! ' l ' i 1 ol ' t be c oi O'- u ir ., L.u: , i . -,i a, I R. A. itt wk i.M |