Show i I N116RW I Ui52f I L There was a long loud wail from the candidates for register of the land office of-fice yesterday when the news came I that President McKinley had appointed H N McGraw to the office Because Mr McGrew was not known to the political po-litical heavyweights here as a candidate candi-date for the place and the leaders of the several factions could not figure out which one had won It soon developed de-veloped however that the appointment appoint-ment was not due to efforts of any of the various wings of the party in Utah but was one of those personal appointments ap-pointments that President McKinley occasionally makes In paying political debts contracted by Mark Hanna Mr McGrew is an old newspaper man and has made Salt Lake his home off and on for five years coming here from Omaha where he was connected with the newspapers for ten years In till he married Miss Hattie Heath a daughter of Henry Heath He was connected with the circulation department depart-ment of The Herald for some time and then went to Arizona entering the race for the governorship of that territory against M H MeCord who was appointed ap-pointed Mr McQrewa pull with the administration is due to the fact that when the McKinley forces were first lined up at Minneapolis in 1S92 preparatory pre-paratory to the real fight four years later McGrew did soma effective work for the major He is personally acquainted ac-quainted with the president and in this appointment had the endorsement of Senator Thurston of Nebraska He had nn application on file at Washing ton but did not expect the 3000 plum which fell into his basket yesterday Mr McGrew resides at 322 West Third South street |