Show BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS at last accounts albert naylor was not quite so well the ashby family hold held a reunion a few days ago age george parrish arrived hero here from snake river monday TIon day A dr lafaver LaFo over vcr a corn and bunion bullion doctor docto r was in town this week county sup superintendent erin while sides was visiting sell schools in bountiful this week miss aliss gertrude moss has started to the L D S university all and 1 is taking the business course two horses a delivery wagon and harness for sale inquire at opera house t tan flit A son was born to mr and INI mrs rs hebor heber B parkin on the 2nd and of the month mrs eva buckland telford of grace idaho is spending a week or two here visiting relatives mr and mrs thomas roberts little baby has been quite sick with pneumonia but is now improving in 0 P hatch who went to chicago ca 00 with sheep a few weeks a ago me is is now in new york state visiting ca relatives samuel jawson J awson left tor for star valley wednes wednesday ay evening he ek expects pacts to spend the winter in wyoming ng mr amr and mrs airs whitney hitney telford are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby that came to cheer their home a few days ago william ashdown and joseph call were among the star valley people who were in town during conference george woods little three year old son had liis his arm broken monday he was kicked by a horse ile he is improving glen grant son of frank grant of sterling canada arrived here a few days ago ago 7 he will attend school inhere this winter the latest news from chesterfield idaho is to the effect that jonathan holbrook who has been so very ill with typhoid fever is recovering one of caton loves relatives has las purchased the lower joel joe holt lot and is preparing to build a brick cottage n on the same harold pack is just recovering from a serious fall he be had bad from lis his bicycle about a week all ago 70 ile ho was confined to his bed several days mrs laura it 11 burnham late of boston but now of salt lake city is visiting with city Al marshal arshal barnin burningham ham and family this week A young man i by the name of peterson Pc terson was quite badly hurt on kirks brick yard last week A car of clay fell on him the new itow west school was closed one or two days the latter part of this week as the teacher miss aliss munger n e r had to go away to attend a convention thomas roberts and son who accompanied william moss to chicago 0 with a train load of sheep are expected to arr arrive ivo home saturday mrs charlotte hatch has been added to tho the clerking force at the deseret live stock store she succeeds mrs amelia ellis riley and is a with miss duerden joseph mancil jaren tolman jr and some others have gone to kelton this week to haul ore we were informed that about a dozen teams were going out to to haul there will be a ine meeting etin of tho directors of tho the barton creek irrigation co next tuesday oct 15 at p in m at tile the council room bountiful by order of the president john fisher A now brick yard has started on lands recently owned by ed ward thornas thomas aud and james hell I 1 worth tile the butcher it js j the im aerial brick co they purchased twenty acres of land for men and teams bogdin work last week tu to got get thins things ready so they can commence inaldo malting brick as soon as the machinery gets hero here the company has sent east cast for new machinery miss aliss alberta neville of this place and joshua pearson of salt lako lake city were married on tuesday they will make their homo home in the city mrs airs Il william Tilliam moss aboss expects to leave for chicago saturday where she will join her husband who went there with sheep and then they will proceed on oil to new york where they will visit relatives for a month james aslett the young man who has been a cripple for some time past and who had the 0 greater reat portion of one of his feet amputated at the holy cross hospital returned home from that institution ution tuesday evening E elder E ed ward dward day who has been laboring in the colorado mission the past eighteen or twenty months has been called to preside over the arizona branch of that mission some of the apostles who recently returned from that ral mission stion report E elder 1 day a very able missionary A joiet coill t democratic and republican mass convention will be held at the central schoolhouse bountiful saturday oct 12 1901 at p in for the purpose of nomi nominating a mayor five councilmen a recorder a treasurer a marshal and a justice of the peace mrs caroline holbrook who has been spending the summer in ill star valley expects to arrive home next I 1 wednesday she and her daughter nr mrs john I 1 corbridge were expected expect W to 0 o haye havo arrived here last week but mrs fr s holbrook stopped to visit in richmond and mrs airs corbridge 7 ci did not come any farther south than brigham city don p parkin who has been working g for fop bishop winder in salt lake city went to BI big horn about two weeks ago where lie ho expects to make his home ile he had been working for the bishop nearly all summer he took a bunch of castlo out to apostle woodruffs rauch ranch his djs Lr brother other lafayette is taking his place rt at bishop winders henry harrison the star V valley al merchant gave us a brief call a few days ago he reports ove everything in a very condition up in his country good crops of hay grain rain and potatoes ile he said lie he had never seen much nicer potatoes than his brother william atit raised llis year mr harrison seems seem s to re recognize to glin ze tag value or of their little local paper and to appreciate the good it has done alere will be drill at the armory at hales liall hall saturday evening oct all arp are I 1 to be present since the encamp encamps ment quite a number have absented themselves from dr drill unless guardsmen guardsman guards men turn out better to drill hereafter the officers in command will be ba obliged to report the delinquents itil to headquarters which result 1 ault in i a general court martial by order of lieutenants in command A gentleman in sandy utah would like to buy the ti abor that is on off the land in holbrook canyon that the city has just bought bou glit we lve the city could sell soil t the 10 timber for elloid enough gh to 0 o pay for t alie le land if tile the city fathers thou thought i it was not ilot necessary to pre prevent the snow from melting perhaps the dry wood could be sold without doin doing 11 any harm and would supply a little of the money r miss aliss jennie roberts has start started to tile university to school she is doing special work on literary era ry lines she shows signs 0 of possessing 0 rare literary talent aud and wo we would not be surp surprised to see her rise to national eminence in ili the field of fiction she lias has already written stories of considerable merit which have been published in the juvenile instructor and tor for one of which she received nine dollars and a half from the publishers the horse and buggy en that was stolen while mrs airs philander hatch was attending the state fair last week was later found in the fields southwest of salt lake city |