Show samuel newhouse will build independent smelter in utah A denver dispatch says the statement by samuel newhouse that he would enter the field in opposition to the american smelter smeller trust and the announcement of the smelter corporation that all its plants would be here re modeled and modernized has created a stir in colorado mining circles mr newhouse lias has matured plans that mean much for the handling of low grade ores lle said 1 I shall certainly build an independent smelter in utah this will be to handle the product of my mines and those of some others who are alsoc assoc associated with me and I 1 am considering the erection of 0 a plant in denver deaver A L his smelter smeller will not be run in connection with my mining operations in this territory but will be a custom smelter tile the thing is not decided upon positively and the plans are too indefinite now dow to be discussed |