Show LEAVE IT TO THEM This copperhead cry that administration adminis-tration organsraise whenever an administration ad-ministration policy is criticised or an act of the wishywashy president is condemned is one of the worst features of imperialism They hold that the king can do no wrong Yet they are usually the most virulent and abusive I opponents of the administration when the opposite party is in power There I is in their professions of patriotism much that savors of hypocrisy And I the ostentatious loyalty of the sycophant syco-phant doubtless prompted Dr John I I sons observation that patriotism is I I the last refuge ot a scounurei I The facts are no matter what the I I fancy of these Alger idolaters may paint the facts are that the volunteers enlisted to drive Spain from Cuba That purpose has been accomplished The war with Spain is over I ended practically prac-tically on the 12th of last August Technically it ended several weeks ago When It ended the terms of enlistment for all these volunteers expired not only by the terms of their enlistment by the provisions of law authorizing the raising of a volunteer army but by the express declaration of the army organization bill passed by congress last winter That law authorized their reenlistment for six months if necessary neces-sary But the volunteers refused to reenlist re-enlist They are in the Philippines and no provision has been made to muster I them out or send them home I they want to come they ought not to be detained de-tained there a single day I they want to stay that Is their privilege But a censorship has been placed over letters let-ters to and from soldiers in the Philippines Philip-pines General Otis has said so Then i how are the boys going to say whether they want to remain there or not They have certainly refused to reenlist Senator Rawlins is constantly besieged with personal appeals and telegrams from the families of volunteers and with letters and cablegrams from the soldiers themselves asking to be discharged dis-charged and sent home Many of his requests to the war department based on such appeals have been refused and he knows and the authorities at Washington Wash-ington know that the men have a right to be sent home their terms of enlistment enlist-ment having expired I is the same way in other states Senators and members mem-bers of the house are kept busy forwarding for-warding to the war department applications rations for discharge And I isnt because be-cause the boys are cowardly or unpatriotic unpa-triotic either They have fought like heroes every one They fought through the war They have been fighting since peace was declared There is no discount their courage or patriotism pa-triotism Their recordcannot be blotted blot-ted out by the taunts and sneers of McKmleys featherbed guards who arc r c perfectly willingfor tel neighbors to be impressed into 1 the service Jwhether or not and made to defend theupoHcies of the president which they are pleased to endorse and applaud There is just this about It I the volunteers desire to remain lu I Manila they should be allowed to do so I they want to fight there will be opportunities oppor-tunities there for the next few years I they want to come home they have done their duty and earned their release re-lease |