Show A Letter eter of o Thanks Thas Portland Ore Sept Sept 7 t 1900 Mr O 0 F Woodward Dear Sir For Forthe the past two years year 1 nave have been troubled greatly greaty with a n redness of my y skin and anda a groat Gat number or of pimples on my face I tried tIed ost everything Under the sun to rid rd myself of these these disorders rs but nothing noting did me any gny good until I got a 2 package of Lanes Tea Tea I have used us It ifor for two steady stady and my complexion Is as clear as a a mirror and aud my as ns white as show MRS E R THOM 4 J Oak St Stor Stor For or sale sl by Godl Godi Y s Drug com company company pany Salt Sal Lake h 1 1 Good Advice The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspepsia d sia sla and liver lver complaint More lore than 75 per cent of the people In the United States are afflicted with wih these thee two diseases and their effects erect such as a sour stomach sick headache habitual con cos costiveness palpitation of the heart heartburn hear burn sh gnawing and burning buring pains at the pit of the stomach yellow skin coat coa H tongue and din dis disagreeable agreeable taste tate hI In the mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits spiris etc Go tG tc your druggist and get a bottle botte of August Augst Flower Flowe r for fo r 75 cents Two doses Greens will wi Prize relieve Almanac you YOUr Try It I Get I 1 Drunkards Easily Cured Miss Mis Edith Williams Wilia Wants Wats Every Lady Reader Header Rader of This Paper to Know Kow How Eow She Saved Her Father Used an a Odorless and ad Tasteless atless Rem Rein Remy y in Sis Hi in Quickly Curing O ng Him Hm Without His Hs Knowledge Trial Tra Package of the te mey Mailed Free Fee to Show How Row Easy Eay it is isto isto to t Cure Drunkards Nothing could be more dramatic or dr de devoted devoted devoted voted than the manner In which liss Edith Williams box 36 Waynesville Ohio cured her drunken drunken father after years year of misery wretchedness WI wrt and anti almost unbearable s si i I I Th I Yes father is a Ie ormed man she said sad and our friends frield think it a miracle that I cured him without his knowledge or consent I had read how Mrs 11 Kate Lynch of or 32 Ellis Els street San Francisco Cal had cured her hex husband by using a remedy secretly in his coffee cof and food and I wrote to Dr Haines for lor a trial When it I came I put some in fathers cof cot fee te and food and watched him closely closel but he tell tel the difference so I kept it I up u One morning moring father got up and said he was hungry hung This Thi was wa a good as he rarely rr y ate much breakfast He lg went away aV and when he came home at noon perfectly sober ober J I was almost frantic with wih joy as I seen seI him eer er for half a day before In over fourteen years After dinner he sat down In the big easy chair and said Edith I dont know what has come over oer me mc but I hate the sight and smell of ol liquor and am going to stop sto drinking forever This was too much muc for me and I told him what I had done do e eV Well V l we both had a n good cry cr and nd now we have the happiest home and the kind kindest kindest est eat father you can cn imagine I am so glad hlad you will wi publish this experience l for forIt fori forit It i will wi reach many man others and let them know about that wonderful Golden n Specific Specific Dr Haines tho the discoverer will wil send a sample of this grand remedy free to all al who will wi write for COt it Enough of o the remedy is mailed mated free to th t show how It Is used in tea coffee or food o d and that it I will cure the dreaded habit habit quietly and per permanently permanently Send your name ond nd md address pe to Dr J W Haines Glenn Gen building Cincinnati Ohio and he will wl mail a n free fre sample of or the remedy to you ou securely sealed in a plain wrapper rapper also full fun di directions directions how hoW to use It I books book and testimonials tesi menials monias from hundreds who have been cured cure and everything needed need cd to aid you in saving those UI e near norand and dear ta to to you from a life Ufe of or degradation and ultimate poverty and disgrace e Send for lor a f today It I will wl brighten the rest of your ou life For all aU pulmonary troubles BAL BALLARDS BALLARDS BALLARDS LARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP taken In the early stages proves a certain tain tan tam and sure specific It I Is equally effective in croup and whooping cough and If i used in season eason S prevents prevent the fur further further further ther development of consumption Price Prie 25 and 50 cents cent Van Dykes Drug Store cor Main e and South Sout The Population of Salt Lake City Ct Is about and we would say sayat sayat sayat at least lEat are troubled rith ith lh some affection of the Throat and Lungs as those complaints are ac according according according Lug cording to statistics more numerous than tha others W We Ve would advise all al not notto notto notto to neglect the th opportunity to call caB cl on their druggist and get a bottle botte of ot Kemps Balsam for the te Throat and Lungs Price and Trial size free For sale by Drug company Salt City Utah A Woman With a Clear ear Complexion and a bright eye keeps her bowels ac active actie active tive tie and her stomach stoma eh in good go dorder order Lanes Tea is a a pleasant laxative and anda a great geat digestive aid It I clears up the complexion drives the yellow from the eye e and keeps leeps the kidneys in a health healthful ful condition Get a a p package kage and try ty i it tonight For Fr sale by Drug company Salt Sal Lake City Cit Utah tah 4 I 1 1 Careful Baking jJ AND tl i FLOUR 11 wl will make mae good bread brea days 4 1 in the te year yea Tats the te combi A aton that tt doubles the te use se of Hules Flour ou from year to year yea 4 I 1 PAY IF CURED GURD WEAl V W 14 Wt n Lost Lt power or sexual weakness Ta var ar stricture small or organs or cured tr by bi the te EXPERT M au E 1 1 Y DEVELOPER nn less IP oner Full 1 description d at once office o 0 ob oby b by mail sealed in plain envelop Also Als Lal LadI Ladies EXPERT E J m lb DEVELOPER ib Address ERr MFG MEG CO Room Roan 4 St t Denver Denser Colo Cola These tiny tny Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba Cubebs or Injections and CURE IN LN 48 HOURS ur the same diseases with without with out inconvenience ls Sold by all ai D SHERIFFS SALE SA IN THE DISTRICT COURT COUR IN AND for the tha Third judicial district distrIct county of Tooele state of ot Utah Ut Frank Fank H E McGurrin rin trading as F K E Co plaintiff vs D A A Sykes and Alice G Plaintiff ykes Sykes Syke defendants To be sold at sher slier sheriffs iffs itts Ifs sale at the west front door of the to county court house in the te city and coun county county county ty of Salt Sal Lake state of or Utah on the te day d of March A D 1901 at 12 1 noon of said sId day da all al the te right title tte claim caim caima and a ld interest of the tho said defendant Alice Alee G Sykes in and to the following de described scribed real estate ette situate in Salt St Lake City and county count state of Utah and de tie described scribed as Commencing at the te southeast corner comer of lot two 2 block blok twelve 12 plat G Salt Sat Lake City survey surey thence running west thirtyfour 34 feet Teet feet thence north one ono hundred and ht I feet thence then e east et thirtyfour 34 3 feet thence south one hundred and ad twenty eight l feet fee to the tho place lace of beginning Together with right of way wa over drive driveway way vay ay eight 8 feet wide on north side of said s id premises to Q streel street Purchase price payable in lawful money mone of the United States Dated ted this S day of February A D 1901 l GEORGE H NAYLOR Sheriff of Salt Lake County By B r JOHN B CUMMOCK Deputy Sheriff SHERIFFS SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT THIRD Judicial district of the tho state of Utah county of Salt Lake S Hays plaintiff vs Martin Enquist defendant To be besold besold besold sold at sheriffs sale sule at the he west front door of the county court house in the city and county of Salt Lake state of i Utah on the day da of March A D 1901 I at 12 noon of said day all the right title claim and interest that the said defendant Martin Enquist held on onor onor onor or prior to September 1st 1900 or now I holds In and to the real estate described as follows An undivided one third lk 14 interest in and to the Silver Sliver Star lode or mining claim situated in f West t Mountain ta mining district I Salt l Lake county count state of Utah survey surrey lot No Purchase price payable in law lawful lawful lawful ful money mune of the United States Dated this day of ot February 1901 GEORGE H NAYLOR Sheriff of Salt SnIt Lake County ounh Utah By JOHN B CUMMOCK Deputy Deput Sheriff Frank Hoffman Attorney for Plaintiff PROBATE 1 ROB AND AlTh GUARD NOTICES Consult County Clerk or 0 the Respective R Signers for Further Information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division in and for Salt Lake coun ty t state of Utah In the he matter of the he estate of or David J Cheney deceased No tice The petition of Zacheus Z E Cheney praying for the issuance to himself of let letters letters tens of administration in the estate of Da David David David vid J Cheney deceased has been set for hearing on Saturday the day dav of ot March A D 1901 at 10 a 3 m m at the county court house in the court room of said court In Salt Lake City cit Salt LaKe ralie county Utah Witness the clerk of said haid court Seal with the seal sea thereof affixed this day of February A D 1901 1101 JOHN JAMES J Clerk S W Darke Attorney IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Third judicial district state of Utah in inand Inand Inand and for Salt Lake county In the matter of the estate of Richard D Earls de tie deceased ceased In probate The une undersigned will sell at private sale the following described des real estate situate in Salt Lake City CIt Salt Lake county state of Utah An undivided 77 per cent Interest In and to the south half halt of lot 3 In block plat D Salt Lake City survey and an undivided undivided undivided vided 77 per cent interest in and to lots S 8 and 9 In block 2 of Home subdivision of block 89 59 plat C Co Salt Lake City J survey u after March tarch 1901 Written bias wm Will t be e received for all or for any an part of above described real es en tate at my m No 29 23 West 1st South street Salt Lake City Utah Terms of ot of sale cash L E HALL Administrator of Said Estate Dated Feb st 1901 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COM COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY PANY Notice of Special Meeting of Stock Stockholders Stockholders Stockholders holders February 29 20 1001 To the stockholders of oC Union Pacific Rail Railroad RaIlroad RaIlroad road Company Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of oC Union Pa Pacific Railroad company will wUl be held ht ld at the theoffice theoffice theoffice office of the company at Salt Lake City in the state of Utah on the day of March 1901 at 12 noon for the purpose or of considering and acting upon a proposed amendment of the articles of as association association of the company increasing Its common capital stock by the amount of and of authorizing the issue and use of such additional stock and for forthe fori forthe the purpose of considering n and approving W i aa the action of the board of directors e fg and an executive committee of the company in inthe Inthe inthe the premises and with reference to a pro proposed proposed posed nosed Issue of of 4 per cent bonds and a mortgage upon certain rail ran railroads railroads roads and property of the company to se secure cure core the same and of oC taking all suitable action in Ia that behalf and In the premises The books for tor the transfer of stock both common and preferred will be closed for the purposes of this meeting as well as for the purposes of the dividends al already already already ready declared at the close of oC business at 12 noon on Saturday February 23 22 1901 1001 and reopened at a 10 a m on March 25 5 By order of the board of directors ALEX MILLAR Secretary i DELINQUENT NOTIcE CENTRAL CENTRA MAMMOTH MAM MINING COM Zany Pany pan Principal ial place ace of business Sat Salt Lake City Utah mh There are de do upon the following described stock on account of assessment emen a se t ro No 0 1 of th 15 cent edit per ner share shue levied on the daY daV of December Dec nfl er 1900 1000 the several beveral accounts set apposite the th names of the respective shareholders as follows No Io Name larne Shares Amt Anit 16 i Morris Sommer 1000 41 0 O B Greene 1000 S 5 Mrs Ella 56 H L C S Case 64 H W Y V Doscher 1000 65 H W Doscher 1000 SS in W ii H Clark y l t L W Brown lOi 10 H W V Doscher 1000 zno lOG H W V Doscher 1000 00 H W Doscher 1000 00 R 11 B Cameron 1000 1 T W V H Clark 1000 F W H Clark 1000 And Ana in accordance with law and an or tier der of the board of directors made on the day da j of January isei to zo o many shares share sha of each parcel of such stock as may mav be necessary will be sold at public auction au at the Y offIce of the s secretary cr tary rooms U Ii and o 15 16 Eagle Ea le block Salt Lake City Cit Utah on Tuesday the day of March at 2 o clock p m as to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of advertising and ana expense of sale MORRIS SOMMER Secretary NOTICE OF SPECIAL BBS EBS MEETING SOUTH SWANSEA SW MINING COM pany a y Principal Pk pace of business Salt Lake Lako City Utah Notice e is hereby given gien that a special meeting ing of the stockholders of the South bouth Swansea Mining Company a corporation under the laws ot or Utah Itah will be held at the office of ot the corpora tion Room U Atlas Block Salt Lake Cit City V Ut Utah h on Wednesday the day dav da of March 1901 at 2 a clock p m of o S saId da day for the te purpose e of acting upon the following proposed rO amendments to the articles of Incorporation lion To so amend Article VI as to Increase the capital stock of the corporation from One Ono Hundred and Fifty Thousand shares at one dollar per share bare to io Three Hundred Thousand shares at one dollar per share shut To further provide that time the Increase of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand shares of stock shell shall be disposed of as follows One Hundred and Thou Thousand Thousand sand Band I to be divided among the stockholders of the rhe corporation pYo ro o orata rata rats as a tock stock dividend the balance bala f Thousand shares share to be placed in the treasury iff the corpora tion Son to be used b by the directors in ao so quiring mining property By order of the Board of Directors W AV H FARNSWORTH Secretary Secre Dated Feb IS 18 1901 DELINQUENT NOTICE THE MINING COMPANY OF Tintic Notice There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account a coun of assessment levied on the day of January 1901 the several amounts set Bet opposite the names of or the respective shareholders sh as 8 follows No o of oC Asses Curt Cert Name Shares ment meat MS Georgetta Ge Woodman 3 i 0 00 E B A 1000 1000 J H Crippa l 1000 1000 I II io 00 Ben D Lure Luce 5 00 RH 4 Jennie conle J Cousins I 6 00 I I S Jennie Cousins GOO Ii 6 00 g W Yo R Wallace 1000 1900 1800 10 oo GI Pat KInsella 1000 19 10 00 41 R H RL L Colburn 1000 1000 10 00 John Dullum BOO 00 6 3 Sheets Thompson Ii 0 00 H B Cole 1000 10 00 6 3 R A Ure Une 2 J 60 50 Goo Gee W RUtH Riter l 1000 00 1000 10 O 00 Max E Smith 2000 20 0 O Q 00 J Hatfield 7 00 7 00 H T P McEwan 1000 10 to 60 oo And In accordance with the toe law and order of the board of or directors made on the ith day da of or January ISM 21 so 80 many shares of each parcel ot ed said stock as may be necessary will be sold at the theoffice theoffice 1 office of f the company gJ No McCornick k block Salt Lake City Utah Uta on the Uth day of March 1901 at 2 p m in to topa pay pai pa delinquent assessment ae together er with cost of advertising and expense of sale ERNEST |