Show Sandy Sady Burglary Case The case against George Gerge Smith accused ause of the crime of af burglary burgl was a dismissed yesterday in Judge Stewarts court curt on en 01 motion of County Count Attorney Christensen Christeasen moton Smith has been ben In the county jail jH R a week waiting trial on the charge rg of breaking b Into t Vincents L saloon n Cha at Sandy y yb yr on the night h of Feb 21 and Harry a Fenton O the uie thela r lad la accused boll of complicity I in rF the crime rb pleaded guilty to a charge of petit pett l loy and gity was wa fined 5 last Saturday by Justice oy Marriott In moving maving for the he dis ilis dismissal missal of Marriot f the charge against Smith te the county attorney expressed the belief let that Smith was less les guilty guity than tan Fenton In tatting wa twelve twe ve bottles botte of at whisky and hat that he would not have done so had hd ha be benot hanot not been drunk drunk |