Show RICH HIGH STRIKE IN JOHNNY Si Ounce Gold Rock Hock in Drift West w t from Shaft I Samples of or rich gold ore from a astrIk made In the famous Johnny mine at Stateline reached Grant H HSmith HSmith HSmith Smith yesterday ye Some of ot the rock is Ia 1 fl fLied led with free gold sold and the average jf Jr the streak that varies from a few Inches to tW feet In width js is reported to be about six ounces The strike was made In the west drift from the foot level about feet teet from the shaft and when the samples were sent out It had been xen en l f for several feet The letter l t r accompanying the sam samples samples ples related that the management of the property was anything but demon demonstrative demonstrative over the he strike as it was noth nothing nothIng nothing ing more than thal had bad been looked for in inthe inthe inthe the of ol previous developments The Johnny appears destined to meet every expectation X of Its owners who have had the tho greatest confidence in inthe inthe inthe the world right rl ht from the beginning that It would develop Into a bonanza second to none in the west when it had been thoroughly and systematically opened A report r port also al o came up that a good strike had been made in the Jumbo held under lease and bond by W F Ft t and Walter Valter James of Black BlackRock BlackRock Rock Hock Asked AHk what there was to the report Mr Snyder said that the vein being hein closely followed into the moun mountain mountain tain tam had shown marked improvement lately and ard when Mr James was here a few since average samples gave returns that indicated the pres once of probably 10 or 12 tak taki the vein vt tn a as aA a whole Whether anything better beLter than that had bad been encountered he did not know though as depth was gained higher values s were expected The property properly is IB being looked after by Mr James Tames who makes periodical trips to the mine 11 t see how work is pro progressing progressing gressing More news from there may therefore shortly be expected exp |