Show WANT TO EXCHANGE Ex CHANICE want to exchange a large young quiet horse with new harness and a new two seated sury for one ona acre of land centrally located in m ua also a new kurtzman Kurtz men upright piano that cost for one acre of land situated in bountiful want wan t to purchase for cash from ten to forty orty acres of farn ming land situated a bout about two miles from bountiful must most have water address VV F GRANLEE ft DOUGLAS utah FOR SALE one good soda water stand three of lats best and latest steel tanks with counter fixtures almost new i aquire at office UNION commencing at once the union pac NO ic will make a rate of 15 cents for on way tickets and 23 25 5 cents lor for return when tickets are purchased at this office ther otherwise wise you for rent a four roomed house with closet and cellar enquire en q aire at this office ten acres of 0 land a all if which is fenced apply to H HJ I 1 W burningham bu rn ingham WANTED A good agent to canvass the county and take orders for the CLIPPE 1 1 WASTED grain on subscription FOR SALE FOR FOB SALE young pigs apply to A brown centra 41 r the 6 U U D AmATI GASSO L PRE P 1 tit xa D aeme ka 4 i r bif A IN aag F b S E N 6 1111 T L E na i 1 y i wt t K t L I 1 L E tv fl i t ae iv t R RE I 1 AT THE opera houss sat doc C 1 0 CAST A ralph ev alf aias s I 1 U willa hugh bosworth J ram ato william Steu beil jedWill cc richard slater i G E Gar garrett garrelt reft jos ricketts W C cill 1 L jack swinger A call sol nipper oscar 1 barlow officer 0 barlow charlotte avalis meme willey becky buckhart buck hart nellie duncan mrs evans yEl EMri vira thomas soldier jit this sensational drama is founded upon incidents A durina the war of the rebellion jl ie SYNOPSIS f 1 fcc ai ACT I 1 the call for volunteers the response tila ACT II 11 the desertion on iclet s armish and capture v 5 horabin death T ACT A prisoner doomed to a scrugg struggle le for life and liberty the esc escape A attempt 1 t FOILED off libni eStar star ACT IV tile the crebs have surrendered amb emb J of the rose of Hazle hazleteen Haz ledeen decu I 1 fly to yer i ajay 1 l COMIC AND sensational 4 DONT FORGET THE dater r S bat tillia arf y owr favss tc kit f i J i I 1 y A 1 t A J i 4 z |