Show pry hism BOUNTIFUL UTAH CK E AT RESI residence DEcE CALL ON TIIE THE fc for firby class meats highest prices paid for EEF MUTTON aud PORK make a specialty in handl handling ilig CALVES HENRY G ARRETT THE alsi 0 g M LS n it have a booi good gooi stock of cei lumber Vin yinshing shing luni lum lath I 1 flooring shingles dings doors and Windo windows WS 6 builders hardware all ds of Frames made to order p wo we always try to pleas ye R US A TR TRIAL IAL ard ardt f ivo Mio bloch south of coop co op store NOTICE tice is hereby given that al school chool lands situated in the nty of davis will be leased by county court of said county n application the court will ish all blanks all licit icat iona ions must be filed with the uty nty court on or before 12 in 1 on the first monday in each ath ill y order of th the e coulty court H wilcox clerk A scientific american agency for CAVEATS 9 I 1 TRADE MARKS DESIGN PATENTS COPY copyrights etca 0 aaion anil and free ree handbook write wita to N CO XI NEW YORK YOEK lit bureau tor for te curing patents in america r f talent tent talon taken out by us ui is i before public lie by a lotice douce given ires iree of charge in tuo the 0 tt eat circulation of imy any paper in the lend idly no S 0 bo without it il Wee lily a 1150 six months addrena M MUNN N A CO 3 6 1 broadway Broa away rew new york city ivert ising rates in this column is one per word for one insertion two permon per tn FOR RENT 0 roomed brick house enquire ot of stephen J hart I 1 ar R SALE forty acres ot of land house table stable cheap thirty cres acres fenced boht of it under cultivation enquire at orece good god force pump and 75 feet of I 1 galvanized pipe pire For further particular y at this of office fice ill it SALE SAIE A good parlor stove apply at this office TO OUR DAVIS COUNTY r FRIZ ien you are in the city f give give us a call at the J GLOBE plain main st S F BALL 8 co r sr ower if no ut zno ons chaam the th 1 unit fiur u r aes his hi nieda needs ni eda lra if bo teke f tiiu not wah 1 I Fre dg Aution of 0 I 1 ferlys ferrys Fer erry rys s seed forem g linski wrid aid lk out gardens and gardening it I 1 a e IL in behall if my friends have requested me to publish a statement oath afi he Ci method methodi adopted to recover my iny health afeei I 1 suffering many years with dy pep sia Rheu rheumatism rheumatic matis in kidney disease nerve exhaustion ands and sleepless ness during my long ion illness 1 received advice and took the remedies of homeopath and eclectic physicians was wa averal months atthe Hot Springs rings north of ogden and at the hot springs Spring of arkansas had massage treatment in new yo york rk treatment in southern cali fornia and salt lake city from all or any of these treat treatments men ts the s results were merely palliative at that time it appeared chati wa wai near the verge of the grave but having received a correct diagnosis of my case and an acquaintance with the potent qualities of FONTYN TEA 1 I 1 adopted it strict diet course coursens cour seas as explained explain id in if a pamphlet a guide to health op en closed in each package of the fon tea the diet course has been strictly followed and the tea taken for years relief from pain soon brought renewed hope I 1 am now enjoying good healthy health rheumatism kidney troubles and sleeplessness have all disappeared I 1 cal and mental condition have so improved that I 1 marvel at myself I 1 am well known by hundreds 1 of professional and business men in in utah idaho montana and wyoming many 0 of f whom can verify these facts the remark is frequently made to me your case is ii a remarkable cure cum JOHN 6 MEREDITH Kayt Kay Tille sTille butak T commission MERCHANTS california and utah fruits and vegetables butter eggs and cheese RANGES ORANGES LEMONS lemom BANANAS NUTS HOTS DATES FIGS FTC ETC western agents for the celebrated diamond di diadem adent and cascade creamery butter and an dAA AA print butter rex and clover brand F W no 65 S west tem temple p le st SALT LAKE CITY I 1 P 0 box 1407 2407 OUR TELEPHONE 32 4 THE ODELL 20 will buy tho the odoll odell type bvm writer with 78 characters and 15 for the single caso case odell warranted to do better work than any AI other machine made it combines simplicity with dura ability speed ease of 0 operation wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine has no ink ribbon to bother the operator it is neat substantial nickle plated per feet and adapted to all kinds of type writing like a printing press it it produces sharp clean legible man 4 two or ten copies chii can be made at one writing any intelligent person e can an become an operator 4 ta in two days WO we offer 1000 to 9 operator w who bo eau can equal the any ny work odthe the double case care odell reliable agen agents ts and salesmen wanted special inducements tot toi y dealers I 1 for camph pamphlet let giving indor meme antl ial address x TYPE typewriter CO ODELL CHICAGO ILL jt aloney ta to aloan on imp improved roved Farn isad es al J L I 1 salt e city or bacare bound i t ulf i 5 st 9 |