Show X X x x 0 o 0 IT W TU K M T ij W D DI S I T MJ Wio Jr J I Wet Wei the modern sage is the theman theman man who woke up China He it was who counseled the young oung emperor when he made all of the reforms which awoke the sleepy Chinese and n directly precIpItated the present condI condItion condition tion of affaIrs I By the advIce of the sage thE mIddle I I kingdom dom was to step in line with the rast of the nations of the world buy shins and guns build railroads and factories and establish liberal newspapers and schools I I But the Flowery Kingdom Is controlled by an aristocracy of lassie classic literati They saw that success would be their downfall The Dowager Tsi Hal per I formed a very creditable coup by whIch she placed Kwang Su In prison and cut I the heads off orr man many reformers Kang barely escaping with hIs life Under of the British govern ment he organIzed the powerful Po Wong oey society for preservation of the em cm Dire which has now hundreds of thou sands of members and millions of lit in money at its command headquarters Is at Singapore Re He has probably at the present time power than any other one Chinese living despite the fact that the empress otTers for his head By James R B Elliott Correspondent of the San Francisco Call Cal Singapore July you wish to understand how Kang Yu Wei Vei Im pressed me do not think of him as a Chinaman but rather as a college pres ident or a statesman of any national ity you choose Dress him in cO conven en costume and he would pass for a cItizen of any country He has the broad forehead wide chin and large eyes that would make him a success as a soldier student capitalist merchant or statesman He Is earnest and above all things he is honest He does not tell you so nor does anyone any one else It is a word which no one me wo ld think of applying to him It goes without saying The Chinese are usually so mercen ary and of what goes on about them that ag agaIn in and again while he was vas talking to me I could not believe that he was a China Chinaman Chinaman man manI I met him just after the recent at tack when he came so near losing his life at the hand of the assassin whom the dowager had sent to Singapore I mentioned this to him congratulating him upon his escape as a sort of in to our He said I 1 do not care for myself A man dies only once and in the eternity which he lives a few decades sooner or later make no difference At the present time I have work to do I live for that and not for myself what is more I know that I shall live for it I feel that m my life is safe until m my work is done It is in the hands of ProvIdence Huge as my task may seem I feel that I shall accomplish it My brothers together peo people pIe the largest empire that the world has ever seen Never before in ancient times or modern was there a people so numerous as ours Never has there been one apparently so weak Our empire Is becoming We Ve are slaves under foot and powerless as the sands of the sea for much the same sam reason Bind the sands with cement and you have a concrete monolith which defies the ages grow ing harder with the centuries Bind the Chinese wit the cement of awak awakened awakened ened patriotism and our nation vill ill become a rock invincible HA A little thought wili show that our Chinese plan for themselves alone They place th the welfare of the empIre outside of their thoughts and say The Theares cares ares of government are none of ours For that reason though we have Individually wealth wisdom and cour courage age ge the empire as a whole Is poor foolish and cowardly and what whatever er the strength of the Individual the decay of nations originates from the personal attitude of mind No empIre can represent its people unless the leaders unite and stand firm In this way those who are born In the kingdom will enjoy the blessings there thereof of as the sons enjoy the ancestral home of their fathers The same rules apply in both cases The citizens of a rIch country partake of the produce of its wide acres Those of a poor city will not possess land enough to sUck stick an awl In A man born in Burmah or Korea I places without mines and corn com commerce merce cannot produce wealth and en joy it But the ChInese have mines without limit They could supply the mIneral for the earth They have an extensive and profitable internal corn com commerce merce and are therefore in a position to obtain and enjoy the blessings of life ife Yet their mines are useless to them The people pass their lives in distress and poverty while England and France have within their control the mines railways and steamers of other coun countries countries tries They Invent and construct and so increase their wealth Take again the case of the nal If a mans family property Is dissipated his descendants must suffer distress Having no regular income they hire themselves to others and be become become come slaves or menials enjoying no rights and sharing no property When an empire Is powerful lives and property within its borders are safe The weakness of an empire is the danger of every person and bit of property therein When I try to awaken my people they say This is no personal affair of mine It cannot concern me I will not take any action about it iL I have said to them Oh m mr brothers we cann cannOt t act thus We have hearts and I sense of justice but we do not under understand stand that the empire is our own great I pUblic patrimony The rulers have all along wrong I fully taught us to regard it with its commerce and interests as their private private vate property We have become slaves and coolies The branches of our great family are ignorant that they should have responsibility They have come cometo cometo to regard themselves as chattels Their rulers sell sen their and Ul their ir lives and they are content to earn earnI their daily daib wages if onI only they can be I protected from molestation t I HI I have said Oh my brothers how I can you with joyful hearts gO into captivity Have you become so dense I as not to see the fate awaiting you vou while before your eyes there is an awful example of the selfishness of the Jews who have b by their own own personal I avarice enriched themselves until the they have become the usurers of the earth but they have lost their country And what profits it a man though he should I gain the world If he have no native land They hold extensive e property I but they are cast out of all nations and andI anda a race without a country is like a man without a home I Until recently the people of China have shared individually in the glory lory I of their country In the past jast when I the rulers were of our own race the tho thoi i people had little concern In their I change for they were one with the peo people pIe pleNo No Now my people pr prospects and ard prop property property erty are being bartered to ers We shall soon ben be no longer free but a race of Those who would negotiate the sale ale salea a t as though the nation were their e r property J During all of the forty forb centurIes s of our history we have been threatened with no da danger er like this My people are clinging blindly to the antiquated customs and aws ws of their unconscious that b r so doing they are allowing themselves to tobe o obe be som to races In tile ph we w were yet broth brothers ers we shared in the of the th clans In the halls of our our an estors and partook partOok of all of the glory of the empire I H My y brothers In America quake with fear They are driven back and forth forthwith forthwith with Insult and y Yet will they I face th the q estIon do not rec the diff f Se e h twe n free peo I pIe and slav s While their fatherland I that they hey hold sOde S de is eing stolen f away awal from the theta fI but of the advantage Gf tga g tia tie and will I Inot not see that duty Is to save tho their ell em PIre lest come wan wanderers wanderers uJ Ith rt rth with no place to lay by es Alas HAlas f id f it that in ina ina a time Ute like this they should think but butof butof of themselves Though e are hundreds of millions each works as though be were but one and our strength Is no greater ee China Ohina A disunited mass of provinces dIstricts and villages mageS There is no mutual understanding between them and therefore Is one no protection protection f tion to the other and the strength Of all Is no more than the strength of one While W we ar are thus apart the ot other r races of the world have been fat fast binding themselves The United States hat power had they until they be became became came united What uni unit of Great Brit Britain ala ain could for a day maintain alone is its freedom G Garmany Again the same As it is with ith the part parts of Ch China na so with the of her race in for foreign foreign eign part parts Each but for himsel himself The man who looks selfishly after himself his family or clan is not th the Ideal man His eye is on his personal interests to the broad whole he is blind Eager r to discuss hi hIs parent parents he knows not how to consider the welfare of his fatherland fathe land He can combine in inthe inthe the interest of small matters but not noton noton on behalf of that of great Importance yet it Is as though his hands and fee feet had a a quarrel quarrel We must not be surprised when you of the white race fx fix your eyes upon us usand usand and laugh While we are fighting each other wih with both fists your people wi will come and seize us al all Wen When the biter bittern and the oyster the fisherman gets t them em both You ask of me what what is the remedy I wi will say this As soon as I can make my people that their empire belongs to them and not to their that a share of i it as hl his patrimony then wi will they re refuse refuse I fuse to allow te the courtesans and con concubines concubines of the rulers to sel sell the pub lie estate Our empire is weak and rs is being divid divided d Other countries are not quarreling wih with our rulers but are bargaining with them hem for our empire In the face of this must I stand wih with my hands folded or else be called a rebel N Nb We sons of the yellow emperor must stand united nied in the one family to which we belong Manchuria and must not be taken Were to strike as one who would dare the blow ow But there Is ada a class of progressive ChInee Chinese I mean those who have emi emigrated gated grated They are nearly early al all from KW ng and lh there re are of them scattered Oyer over the world One Onehundred hundred thousand of them are in inthe inthe the United as many a there were of th the oer naton Of j those over the world there are seven times a many a as al ajl the people of I Denmark yet Denmark preserves her herself herself self among the greedy n nations tons M f Eu Europe I rope Then why are there enough of rIy my outside of China Chini to make a strong nat nation n by They are r rhey hould not quarrel quarrel rel rel They should fr form a great coal Uon At t pr present set they but eat their Own fesh Of al all jh th of i the world AmerIca is t ti e most She is firm stern and anI prospero s p peo o pie ure as oe nd tl re bo nd b by making ties every kind own It is hen is so united that i it Ct ha ha counT tl Size wealth and pop ware but sources of sr t tempt the he if the people lack the temP cement of patriotic devotion 3 i Where is t the e enthusiasm of my peo Their emperor emperor is dethroned and l 11 mandarins quarrel for his seat anti and usurp his power Yet my broth brothers ers era sleep a aThe The and the founding lc I tI the same t of a public company th mere rushing to together together gether of men wi will n net suffice Unity of aim and honesty of purpose must be bethe bethe the soul of I it The he principles of law and order m st be the bInding el element and the foundation of an em empire empire pire In al all d alliances of vI vii lages th the r must be admin se selected and he s appointed Directors elders elders and constables are necessary Just Just so a E has its parliaments its generals and and r it ita ministry In th the government ota of a viage village there must be those who represent the law the po polke Ike control those who keep the public those who teach the young and the gentry who examine into and direct the whole The same lines are followed out In th the government of a great empire empire Tere There must be civi civil of officers cers a board of board or of boards ot of punishments When America wa was made into a republic the pe people met nd elected a ruler Thus i it was exemplified that the establish establishment meat ment of a counci council or a viage village and the creaton creation of a ministry for an empire were essentially the same The only dlf difference Is that of size one was smal small and the other large large The has a wider ara area to Jo be controlled and the people are more numerous According Accordingly ly is its rules and nd regulations must be bemore more mor firm and ster stern While the needs of village do not ot frighten the people and they do not hesitate yet the they shrink from rom attempting to run a great country alons along the same lines uI It would seem that the they feel per perfectly capable of ruling three e men but butten butten ten men Is a different proposition they hesitate I It Is strange that they do not know hat an empire is simply a viage village writ large Wherever there are arc inhabited houses one wi will find I thieves this necessitates police ap apI I I for the protection of prop I erty rightS ItO seems simple to substitute tute in the stead of the village police I an tn tinny of with appointed leaders Of course Q wih with the mor nu merou body the rule rules and discipline I must be teran sterner In admin administration When ther there are civil trou troubles troubles bles iJ a suh as quarrels and lawsuits the der decide the cases and pu punish the offenders according to the established laws In the same way countries have judges and law lawyers and tI i y must be very numer numerous numerous ous for the people ar are many Time and lead to the establish mont ment oJ of a regular code of l laws ws and punishments and those who specially study these laws a them and offenders are re in the same way when they willfully offend a as are the school children at the hands of the village school teacher The empire mt mt t look after the of her herson son and she establishes the higher middle and 10 lower r gr grades des of schools for fort forthe t the e of her ner young talent f J ii 9 offer the material from yh i J t to be selected t tg to g govern ern and administer the established laws In this course p t tb gr les must must be very veo firm and fixed The handful of f p people ople that cn can control mu must be Increased increased many times governing of an Jn n the g government of an empire the en It itS ed nW if h to e enor or rt sunt the govern nJ considers d dJ J J the subject and an v tes tb needful l f funds the money requisite for these funds being being raised by a a pro rata estimated according to rule B By following this admirable plan a cou country try grows larger day b by day exer exercises geat great power Dower and Influence Now in the councils and bids guilds of villages there here is no and the raising of funds follow no rigid principle and therefore the ruling Is realy really fal false e il iii application There Is no unity either eITher of mind or of heart because of Ute the loose carrying on on or of affairs dissatisfaction ton tion often arise arises among the people In Inthe Inthe the governing an empire this loose plan would not do at al all Chinas outside brothers cannot unite on an any fixed plan because the they r si sit in idleness and alow allow others to todo do Io wih with th them m as the they will leaving themselves to be devoured a as fish anti ann fesh flesh Fear is the only thing they can be made to feel in get getting ing and losing The rhe yellow race is |