Show WORK IN AU ST RALIA Returned Ms of Hs q 4 1 c cHAD HAD SOME H EOPLE W SLOW TO EM T WORD i 9 Services at the tabernacle yesterday were db by PresIdent Agus Angus M MC C th thO speakers bing being Elder F E Parker a missionary Australia and President George Q Cannon The Th fore former related hIs e cx perlen es and d described s his labors dur durIng durIng Ing the two and a hal half years h had been away Mu Much h interest was manifested by the people ot of gen generally r l in the plan of salvation es espoused espoused by the elders and the press of the countr country was also hoste hostile bUt for foral al all that he lef left the missIon In beter better condition than he found it It He de his Journeying ater after being re rd of active duty and tol told how de delighted lighted he was to again m meet et wih with hi his own people in the land of his bIrth President Gerge George Q Canon Cannon devoted ati n hour to the labor of traveling elders in the eary early days das of the chUrch wih with that of methods and urge urged a return to the old plan the plan Which he said was corn com commanded by revelation and Which should n never ver h have e been departed froth flamel that Of going out among th the nations to prea preach h th the gosel gospel with without out purse and scrip and to think not of the morroWs n needs eds His mInd had be become become come considerably exercised on the thes s bj t of late parti rU as h he has heard that tn In some countries the laws compelled the posseSsion n of money in order to avoid avoid being placed In j jail il for vagrancy but he failed t tO see where any harm could come from gIng to prison It was trying he kneW for he h bad d experienced i it him himself himself self I It was sure to cost much trouble nOd fd trial to war the people O of the earth against the laws of G Cod d and nd the elders should b be pre prepared par pared t to lay doWn their lives in the cause if He deprecated the practice of sup supplying supplying plying elders wih with money from home as he fel felt It had a demor demoralizing upon them taking away to some seine ex extent extent tent ther their zeal and f faith ih In the thO old days daya the elders never knew What hat i it was to receive money fro from home but they nev never r went ent hungry and they neVer went without raiment they ex cx exercised faith and made i it count count He spoke of the mIssI missionaries whO h had had received valls caUs to Germ Germany ny Fr France n e and other ther countries who had bed sup plied Wih with means t tO aid them in n h hay haying v vIng Ing a good tm timS and he thought these men would have to be thinned Out but and sent ent elsewhere re reTh Th ThO sUbject VhS one one se serous serious rous rious refet n h and nd t n and he waI te to arouse urouse a feeling of r ze zeal l in th the breastS breasts ren men to obey the o God and their labors according to the text arid and spirit of the law Whet When that hap happened pene i it woUld indeed be 3 a happy happ time as s the elders lers would come back ful full of f faith arid fd their work WOul Would b hO rewarded T Tire services cosed closed by the choir t ten n The Nations BOv Bow to S tas With Mrs LIzze w ward r c the sol solo part and a ben der benediction dicton by Wilam L Bin |