Show MYERS WN 0 OUT UTe Buy For Entire Crowd George E B Myer Myers a railrOad Sich it into p pOlle I e staton station e erly mornIng and complained that C had bad b been thrown out of the Grand hotel bar by the bartender dyers said he went Into the saloon for fora a drink and that because he would not treat a crowd of boosters standing round around the bar the dispenser of drinks became ried riled un UD and began to abuse him Words led to more words and mat waed to a lively heat heat Myers claimed the bartender upon him and husted hustled him out of the ro roOm m In Inno inno no gente gentle manner Myers wa was too drunk to retaliate and an sought yen ven by ging going to police staton station to have the bartender arrested He wanted anted an officer to go wih with him Immediately and the bartender under arrest and wa was greaty greatly discon carted when informed that he would h have ae to wait until wai Monday and swear out a warrant for his man Ater After a protracted harangue In which he poured forth his Idea idean of justice he ws was finally persuaded to depart He left Wih With the Intention of havIng his coveted justice Monday |