Show other items prom from kaysville raysville Kays Rays ville according to the last ville has baa school children ten more than when the last census was taken five schools will bo be kept here this season four of which commenced comme last monday morning the contracts for the erection of the school house in the northern part of the eighth school district was let to J T snelson of salt sail lake city at 1475 wm allen alien of kaysville Kays ville and seren jacobson Jacob Jaco bou sou of bountiful sent in ili bids but the salt lake wan man under tinder bid them and got the job last saturday the layton thrashing 0 company were thrashing for a mr wright on tile the 11 about three miles milc west of the Farm farmers cirs union all at page a afire f irp started sart el and the two giaras tiaras on ether bide of lite uia pia ailline and the machine were ou on fire and burned to the ground up upwards ards of four hindered hun dered bushels of wheat were burned nothing but the horse power be saved and that willi difficulty the loss is s upwards of 1000 dollars about noon saturday thomas smiths team ran away while hitched to a sheep warron wagon 9 they ran al along the main road in the nor northern part of town and finally filially ran into hito a vehicle |