Show correspondents should get their copy in by monday noon pieced ng publication day we have already hastily briefly and somewhat incompletely presented to you some few oi of thi advantages arising fro mour town Bountiful ill being incorporated we think it advisable to continue the work and pay attention to some of the minor things however wc will first attempt lo 10 0 o say something more about the water as that is at present the bahin ques question tion for consideration we shall quote f from rem tile the compiled laws ot o utah to show the power giyen to la a city I 1 duncil in regard to regulating lo 10 the water the same may be found in section 1755 of arti clely of vol lof the compiled compile ad laws of utah speaking of the power of the council it reads as follows to constructor authorize the construction st of water works without city limits and for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the same from injury and the water from pollution Uti oll their jurisdiction shall extend over the territory occupied by such works anal all reservoirs streams canals ditches pipes and drains us used uselin edin in and necessary for the construction st maintenance and operation of the same and over tile the stream and source from which the water is taken for ten tea miles above the point from which it is taken and to e enact a al I 1 arl artt ef feet to control the water and ana water courses leading to tile the city and to regulate eg and control tha thc water couros couras and mill privileges withie within the ity provided That the control shall lot bo be exercised to the injury of LD my y rights already acquired by ac ual owners aud and to levy and to illece taxes upon all taxable real nd ad liers personal onal prop property erty not to exceed ne lite per cent per annum annum for the pur ose of furnishing the city or or the inhabitants thereof with w water ater jor for irrigation and othar purposes and 0 regulate and control the same for lie use and benefit of the inhabit ints ants thereof and may assess collect ind enforce the payi payment nent of the tax s in any matter manor provided for by ordinance to construct purchase and marn ain canals ditches and reservoirs ind to purchase springs streams ir r sources of water supply for the of providing 0 water for irrigation gation at lorl domestic and other purposes ind if Lec necessary essary to secure said sour cs of water supply may purchase the land upon which said water has beca dean appropriated or applied now it will be noticed that the city has control of the water for ten miles above tile the point from which it is taken also that it cun can control the courses leading to tha city it will be noticed that no taxes can be levied to exceed one percent per cent per dunnum our readers will notice in another part of the paper that a co company by the name of the bountiful reservoir 1 compa company ay will meet the people of our town at the opera house on monday evening next for to 0 explain their object in designing 0 0 such a resor voir now from the appearance ot of things wo we should already bel ba incorporated so that our council could mako make arrangements 10 with this company to have them supply a portion of the town with water waler it seems they propose to put in ill or spend pend a bout dollars in a reservoir which Is ia to be erected in the mouth of millcreek Mill creek ereck canyon for to hold back the surplus water in the spring of the year if there beany be any and then sell ell it in the summer to the people of the town A matter that the people should think of between now and monday evening is whether there Is ia any surplus water to be stored away during any season of the year the writer consulted mr newton tuttle an old and prominent citizen of bountiful and one who keeps book accounts of all such matters on this thin subject and he be was of the opinion that there was no surplus water at any season of the year lie ile said that the water did not reach his farm which is in the extreme eastern part I 1 of town on stone creek until the of may this season when asked whether any of the millcreek Mill creek water reached the lake this year he be said that possibly it did for a day or two as a it had been so many years since the farmers on the lowlands had been f favored adored with surplus water so they were not prepared for it as it it lame came so sudden when the snow commenced to melt early in ili the spring is the very time that the water is needed to witter water the me mea a dows in that locality he said that there has not been a surplus of water wo we should push the matter of incorporation that wo we might have some one who Is competent and energetic officers to look after these things land and make arrangements with com wish to invest money so to make more and at tile the same time to benefit the town which con contained coltaine taine d two i gen SeD fengers gers a mrs right night of Cen centreville treville wa was seriously hurt and was taken to bell bej lome home a few hours later any one who bodt contemplates emp lales building this fall would do well to call on john before going to the city I 1 will do as well by you as salt lake and save you c can an do in you the hauling for clear profit to you my ly stock is very complete so I 1 will have no trouble in f furnishing urnis bing you 3 your our whole hill bill |