Show BUFFALO freight traffic T affia resumed but difficulties are apparent j TIIE THE TRAINS anil and strikers striker are not at all timid lind pay close cull amalgamated ascii held blew fur for 7 at west ast superior wis other labor In lir troulden Troula troll en t BUFFALO aug ang 23 freight traffic was resumed with by all the roads and ami tho officials of all the lines gave ont the most encouraging reports As the green hands are being broken lowly the work in the different yards yard improves and inside of three or four days clays at least the outlook for the freight blockade bein being 0 removed is decidedly promising the erie is no longer crippled superintendent charles A brunn told a united press reporter that his road bent I 1 out thirteen full freight trains du during 0 the day bemid besides es opening 1 g up the dlack i I 1 rock and suspension bridge yards no work was done at suspension bridge or black rock last night sir mr brunn bronn declares these yards are not sufficiently protected to work iu them at night as yet sf g tt ir sate re far fo r alir troops to be removed as yeti yet 1 I do not there aro are not enough here as it is ir r tl tiro 4 ap lka were beut back at this juncture acts ut of lawles lawlessness ness would occur that would shock tile people of this state even with tile troops here there is trouble oc I 1 burring avei every day and night the at 1 tempt lay night light to v wreck reek the erie itts train with MO passengers on aboard r was as a dastardly piece of work I 1 am making an investigation now cowand and I 1 am sure the strikers were responsible for that work since this strike began at tempts have been made to wreck four of i our trains F fortunately tile they were not successful every thing points to fact t that hat strikers were at the of the work the central no longer feels th the le effect of the strike as far as its road is concerned they had a full force of switchmen m ena at work tho the new eastern liandi handi ai aie e fill turning ning out remarkably well but those from the west are f allures failure few e exception x eel F freight t trains in the big eat east buffalo Buff iilo eanls were bein being sent T tha lial tsi ick rock roe C and niagara falls ymon are open too while the ohio street yards where the grain traina are arc made ur up were bein being cleared up rapidly general lla vager voorhees said the lake short shore hall had sent cars to alie Cent central ial thesis ahw is tile the most the lake shore has turned turne dover over tince once the strike began there is marked improvement in the lake shore west shore anti and nickel plate and lehigh valley bards also aho ah o the ney iley men are being broken in rapidly as they become acquainted with the tracks and switches their woi k improves improve si all tile the yards did a good day s work and most of the roads have fumed their night freight service the Lehigh Lake shore nickel plate and west shore sent out a few trains troops were nvere on OIL top or of every car and there was no mole molestation tation from thy the strikers or their sympathizers sheriff back said to a united pi pret ets s reporter 1 I am going to recommend the keeping of troops liere here until I 1 am convinced there is no further use for them I 1 think now their presence is ie needed eded here and needed hadly badly while ata anding near camp dingens I 1 saw a striker go up and break a f freight rei lit train in ill tk two iloni by iy ay pulling apin a pin heartt he aih awards hit a nonunion non union six switchman ou on the head with a brick this occurred right light in the luces inces of the sentinels find and police and was waa one of tile tho boldest pieces of work I 1 have ever wa seen I 1 an am going to do ao all in my power brer to keep keel soldiers here as long as J thi hN strike lasts last that is positive I 1 despite the fact that pome people here pre are urging general porter 0 of I 1 national guard and beck to rosend sen it back the troops the strikers keep right on inbur in railroad property annoying soldiers aid throwing stones and belaboring the working nou non anion switchmen tile alie soldiers Gol diers and police captured cap a lot of strikers during saturday night and sunday as aven seven p privates vates of the seventh separate parate Bc company compan slept slept in the guard house last night they ey remail remained led away from from their tamp aud and wilen when they TC 1 posts thirty yo pill |