Show FROM OTHER COUNTIES items gleaned from the territorial press the following list of accidents arp are taken from the wasatch wave 0 aug oth A serious though not fatal accident occurred at the philips ranch on lake creek wednesday PT philips had just driven his team out of the yard and pone gone back to shut the gate the horses were hitched to a wagon in which were seated his two small sons just at this time two men on horseback chasing a calf came along mr philips assisted them to sto stop P the calf but justas just as he caught it the team took fright and started off at a terrific rate A fatality was averted by the prompt action of C C lee and H G crook who being mounted started in pursuit and after a chase of it a quarter of a mile succeeded in stopping the frightened animals the older boy came out without a scratch but the younger did not fare so well he received a frightful cut across the th e cheek besides being beilig badly bruised about the breast arms and legs le gs mr philips immediately brought rou IL g the suffering child to town where aher e dr lindsay attended to his injuries and made made the little sufferer as comfortable as possible renown A WADED LOADED WAGON geo gen simmons of charleston was thrown from a wagon friday evening and badly shaken up tip lie ile was coming down lake creek canyon with a load of lumber and when c coming down a very steep hill the brake refused to work properly and a as s the horses were unable to hold bold the heavy load all went down the hill bill at a rapid rate about half way down do wn there was a turn in the road and at that point the old gentleman was waa hurled burled from f tom the wagon to the ground the team kept on going until the foot oot of the hill was reached where one of the wheels was mashed down mr simmons two sons were with lim him at the time when they got to their father they found him unconscious un cons clotis but as quickly as po possible placed him on a horse and started down when they reached ranch they left their father and ad one of them came to town for a doctor dr lindsay responded to the call and when he be reached the ranch he found the old gentleman suffering from the shock lie had sustained ile he was also baal badly J bruised but not seriously injured otherwise ACCIDENT A small girl the daughter of david hicken icken II bad a narrow escape the other evenin evening she was cowling coining home with her father aud and mother seated on a hayrack on which enough hay had been thrown to sit upon in some way she slipped through the rack and fell to the ground with her head directly in front of the hind bind wheel the screams ot of her mother caused the father who had bad not seen the child fall to stop tile the team just juit in a time to prevent the heavy wheel from passing over the childs head she was wa bruised and stunned and quite sick that sight but was able to be out the next day |