Show to botalo talo sit liters places aug 15 A strategic movement in which the Lehigh Valley and other railroad companies hoped to r circumvent i idio n bw switchmen now on a strike at buffalo way was planned pl mined in this city und and last night fifty non noil union men were hunted up uil long along the line and were offered flattering in F inducements to t take the positions tiona in t that b t ci city t 7 which they accepted th they y were marshaled shortly after 7 p in 1 in I tile hio dinin dining g room of the tha windsor hotel by chief obrien u of the philadelphia and reading detective force secretary treasurer john W ll clayes ayes of the knights of lalor labor learned of the move and in id connection with A W wright another official ica of the tha order sent notes to each of the mon who were eating supper informing them that they were to ta tahei tile tha tr igers place lace s chief 0 crien rion however bo waver got told loid u oi 1 the uli shives before any i notice i able abla effect had been produced ell one late comer was induced by mr air to n nat position tue meil vela ta I 1 antu kento tha rid and latt let left far fortu buffalo alie falo secretary clayes said ho bo hall had to AI ahmler tater t Sw coll uey of the u monin mon in informing I 1 him ila of the movement and andai be thought i ii would ve be frustrated fust rated 1 1 |