Show 1 h seal roa Io achen cheis so seized iced I 1 POET wash anels T fl he e steamer bertha from a brings advices advises of the following seizures es 0 by united states men of war in m bering sea the british schooner drier f virtona Vic tona a seized by the julling seals and violating the modus viven 1 di in charge of a british mad of whaling bark lydia intercepted while e taking newly killed seals I 1 fram aboard the whaling bark northern light into bering sea a prize crew was waa placed on oil board and it was sent to sitka ti the 10 whalin whaling schooner jane gray seized by the asican mohican for not leavi leaving tig berl bering aag st sis 9 elfter after having li ving been warned the li ih I 1 steamer stather wiifred Wil ired p tor iaone of tita ve vessels gals which its cargo af sealskins seal skins to the british st eainer conduit lan at port fleches Ele ches was seized by the rush bush with fresh seals aboard |