Show TO ADVERTISERS I Changes for advertisements In THE SCJDAT HEKALD must be handed in not later than Friday night BBCKLENS ARNICA bALVE The best salve In the world for cuii bruises sore ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped bands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required It is guaranteed guar-anteed > to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box fFor sale 67 A C Smith t 8 Company II 1 JlOUNT UKIFKIN r Have removed their coal office tcTlGfl i South Main street Ii NERVOUS DISORDERS TUE LADT PATIENTS treated by tho Keeloy Institute for nervous troubles have increased in-creased so in numbers that atrassistant physician has been engaged who wl1l attend at-tend all lady patients at their homes without with-out extra charge All consultation free Address THE KEELET INSTITUTE Salt Lake and the doctor will call on you Russian steam vapor baths with massage treatment by Prof Reid at Warm White Sulphur springs Street cars to baths every twelve minutes Until our new building is completed our office will be in Room 409 Progress building ScmvEiTZEit RAXSOUOTF I Try our chowchow S L Pickle CoJ ALUCKY ESCA1 Fortunate is I the man or woman residing in a malariaridden locality who escapes tho I dreaded scourge Not one in a thousand does When the endemic is a periodical and wide spraad visitation it is just as common to see whole communities suffering from it as single individuals The most I vigorous constitution is not proof againt it how much less a system feeble or disordered dis-ordered As a means of protection against malaria Hostetters stomach Ditters is the supreme medicinal agent It will uproot any form of malarial disease implanted in the system and even in regions where miasmatic complaints are most malignant an1 deadly such as the Isthmus of Panama Guatemala and the tropics generally it is justly regarded as an efficient safeguard No less efficacious is it as a curative and L preventive of chronic indigestion liver trauble constipation rheumatism kidney complaints and la grippe Tho Handsomest Ladles in the West Declare that Eureka Cream is the only per fect lotion for the skin and complexion There is nothing better for chapped hands and rough akin Prepared especially for this climate 25 cents Druggists Mme Crawfords third Beethoven re recital will begin sharp at I 8 tonight Metropolitan Met-ropolitan parlors For perfect fitting dresses and cloaks at I very low prices call at Miss McAlpns parlors U West Second South street up i stairs Room 8 RAR CHANCE BOB WHOLESALE BUYER Of dry goods and gents furnishings S Kellner 205 Main street will sell his entir stock of goods at a very low price for cash entirely or part cash and part in real es tate or will sell any portion of the stock Will also sell the store fixtures Call and investigate The Palmer house of Eureka Tin tie will be opened to the public April 5 as a i strictly first class hotel M Lochwltz Proprietor 1 FINE HOR1ES Twenty Inca and Incas stallions for sale cheap Also seventyfive djrivers from 100 up A G BAST P O box 643 city or stable back of Wonderland Second South street GILDS PHAltMACy Have your prescriptions filled buy your drugs and medicines imported and Key West cigars Whitmans find candies Gilds quinine hair tonic Prices most reasonable Quality the best FRANCIS C GILDS Apothecary Brooks Arcade KALL KALL KALL About April 1 Kolitz Kandy Kitchen will be removed to the handsome new store in the Equitable block 4S East First South Give him a call and see his freshlymade Handles The best is good enough Dew Drop canned goods are the best RooEiia Co TIlE AMERICAN Fire Insurance company of Philadelphia will insure you against fireS fire-S H J GUAM Co Agents THE BURLINGTON ROUTE When going east select the popular routo tho Burlington Two daily vestibule trains from Denver with dining and chair cars and Pullman sleepers attached for Chicago Peoria St Louis Kansas City St Joseph Atchison and all points east JOE LETTER HEADS Bill bead statements ball tickets and all kinds of job work send to TnE HERALD Quick work and reasonable prices a tared a kt PROTECT OUR BREAD < i The machinery f > > of thc 1 has not been puUto war T 7 too speedily hi ipsthefraiidu1 n use of ammonia and i 7 V 4 I alumin Baking Powders c Both health and the pocket of the peopId are demanding protection The legislatures of New York Illinois acid Minnesota have taken this matter s adulteration up and especially that of Baking Powders f It will be in the interest of public health when their sale is made a misdemeanor in every Stat in the UNION and I the penalties of t 91 law are rigidly enforced There is no i F I article of human tobdmoro fa wickedly adulterated than that Fi 1 fc of Baking Powder c i 1 xDr Prices Cream j Baking Powder is the only y pure cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free from ammonia alum or taint of any kind of impurity i It makes the sweetest and lightest bread biscuit and cake that are perfectly digestible whether hot or cold It costs 1 more to manufacture Dr Prices than any other baking 5 powder It is superior to every otiier known and the standard for forty years V I T v > Dr Pjices Cream Baking Powder Is reported re-ported by all aulliprities as free froni Ammonia Alum or any otl pr adulterant In fact the purity of this iae pdwder has eve been questioned Do you eat J I not why not > I Eat the best i The best Is good onouBb Dew Drop enoulb goods aro Ibolbest RrfOEusrCo Two weeks bargain sale qf furniture i3x9kT BBOS Devr Drop Canned Goods have no CQual Rogers Co eqtaJ SPECIAL EXCUBS10N BATES Via I ihe Union Pacific Account Confarenco For the sixtysecond annual conference end the laying of the capstone of the temple tem-ple tho Union Pacific capstone wiI special excursion ex-cursion tickets at greatly reduced rates to Salt Lake bity and return from all stations I in Utah and from points east to Rawlins Wyo north to Beaver Canon Idn west to Sbosbone and Ketchum I Tickets will L wI be sold from points east and north of Ogden from April 1 to 6th from points I I south of Provo and from Eureka March 31 to April I from all other points from April I 2 to 6th All tickets good for return until I I April 1 D B BURLEY I General Agent Pass Dept We are headquarters for fancy groceries a Rootits Co 1 Try our horse radish S L Pickle Co5 i BOCK BOOK BOoK Tho Salt Lake City Brewing company beg to announce to their many patrons that they now have on the market the finest Bock beer without exception ever produced pro-duced in the western country On draught at the principal saloons Order a case Order a keg Order a car load Telephone No l JACOB MOKITZ S General Manager MOUNT GHIFriiN Are exclusive agents for the Peacock coal acknowledged by all to be unsurpassed for domestic and heating purposes GUARANTEED LURE We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr Kings New Discovery for consumption con-sumption Coughs and Cold upon this condition I you aro afflicted with a Cough Cold or any Lung Throat or Chest trouble and will use this remedy as directed giving it a fair trial and experience no benefit you may return th bottle and have your money refunded Wo could ot make this offer did we not know that Dr Kings New Discovery could be relied on I never disappoints Trial bottlo free at A C Smith Cos drug store Largo size 5c and SLOO 2 Try our white onions S LPickle Co NATURAL GAS ENVELOPES For sale by the Salt Lake Lithograph Cos EJLV R BROS IRON WORK No H9 West north Temple MAMBRINO THORNE 4067 I Reoord 2C 12 This wellknown stallion will make the season of 1S92 at my place corner Fifth East and Twelfth South streets whera several of his colts can be seen TERMS S5000 THE SEASON Payable at time of service THOS H HARRIS P O Box 744 Salt Lake City I DALLINS l1OELS OE THE STATCES OF ANGEL MORONI AND BRIGHAM YOUNG Aro on exhibition in the show window of the UTAH BOOK AND STATIONERY C03 72 South Main Street During Conference Week SPECIAL BARGAINS aro being Offered in Toys Dolls Albums Novels Juvenile Books Etc Etc D H HcALLISTEB Manager I 1 > 1 I T0 SiUY0R NOT TO < BUY CONF RE CE VISITORS ESPECXAJI4LY WELCOME < To Visit our Mammotfe Store and see the Latest Novelties Furniture Carpets and Wall Paper DONT FAIL TO VISIT THE LARGEST FURNITURE STORE IN THE WEST LH 1 1 I SEE OUR now WIDOWS0 u JJciiry j J IDiiroodey Furniure Coii py O t i i Q t C c 1 |