Show UTAH PHAKilACISTS They Complete their Organization and then I Feast at the Knntaford The Utah Pharmaceutical association was permanently organized yesterday by the election elec-tion of John B Farlov of Salt Lake president L U King or Provo vicepresident B F Ritcr Logan second vice president Clarence H McCoy of Salt Lake secretary S P Ash Ogden treasurer 1 he executive committee is Dr Kcnnpmnrp nf Beaver Villiim Brothers of Park thy and Herbert Fyne of Provo A constitution und bylaws was adopted and the association aujourned to meet in this city in October next the exact date to be nxea hereafter FUty druggists signed the constitution and the best of feeling prevailed at both fiebslona she meetings have been characterized by a friendliness that was ytry marked and the druggists and chemists of the entire territory are now thoroughly acquainted with each other THE BASQUET The banquet ball of the Knutsford iras crowded with that intelligent body of gentlemen gentle-men whose sign manual isthe pestle ana mor tar upon which Is inscribed Pills and potfders powders and pills Fur the cure of dyspepsia and all oiberills The druggists get but to few holidays that they make the most of it when it comes and fast night Teas Co exception The taste wan beautifully set and furnbbea and neartlly enjoyed en-joyed Wr Nelden acted as toastmaster and Intro duced Governor Thomas who made a happy little effort and was loudly applauded Mr Fennlmoro responded to The Utah Drug cists and described them ad a pilly set of te lows and an exceptionally tine lot of men CuBe Pike responded to The Medical Profession Profes-sion and Faa Pharmacy Hill Dr Vhlttemore of ParK Davis t Cocmado a humorous speech on the relation of the drug gist and the manufacturer and was heartily received re-ceived f lncipal toast of the evening The An Pharmaceutical Association was me to by Mr DreuJjl oI this city asfol ioss DllUEniS SPEfCH Mr President and fellow druggists to do the subject fall just co it should in my opin on have been delegated to some one of our mem tib ers who is more gifted making speeches but as the subject Is very compehensutt and full of interest to me personally I im Indeed pleased to embrace she opportunity to make a lew brief remark upon this question On the Cth day of Uctob r J8oi in the city ol Philadelphia the American Vburmacoutcn association drew the first breath of life It was but a tiny infant at its birth bat by constant care anti vigorous nursing oy the way this child was not brought up on toe bottle stands today a giant organization numbering In men j berfhip well up in the thousand When you stop to consider the enormous benefit its mem ht ers Have derived from it think cf the pa tieat and laborous work performed by its i committees to elevate and improve the coaditon of the druggist the committees on ni w remedies und progress In rbarmacy enables us to better determine the worth and valua of the many new discoveries in chemistry and materia medics it has given us the na tlonii fb mularles and the result of its many experiments in laboratory wori gives the enterprising enter-prising druggist a chance to convince the iriendly physician that preparations made b > himsel are fully as reliable as those sold by the largo manufacturing concerns who spend fortunes in printer ink and salary to visit ing l agents then think of the many charming friendships formed at the gatherings ot the as scciatlon at its business meetings or at the festive board where good feelltg and fellowship I fellow-ship oblterato for a time at least our daily cares and annoyances of business and last bu not least it has exerted upon the arugg sts at largj i a powerful influence to stand togttccr as ork to co business in an honorable way and convince those who seek by cutting of prices to take trade from a neighbor IH felly indeed cs the lite of the transgressor is hard The old motto la union id strength is hero again mos aptly illustrated Brethren if ceu send your name to the secretary sec-retary of the A T A and become a cerclero this magnificent organization you will have done yourselves a great service I assure you it is anhonorto cccountcdon among so many notable nod able men go and I attecd ono of Us me t n < rs you are welcome The next annual meeting will be held in July at the White mountains ana its dollars to dough nets you wlllreturn u full Hedged member In closing my remarks as I will not insist on tae i I threehour limit let me coneratolate you on tae t magniUcent work the druggists of Utah have acccm llshed this winter We have secured a fair pharmacy law and our governor signed It The act IM not as complete in iti details U > many of us bad hotcd it would be but v 0 have a good foundation to build upon which co doubt will not bo neglected when the proper time presents I pre-sents itselr The druggists of Ogden acd Salt Lake have formed local associations and to crown It all we have put neon its feat the Utah Pharma cueticil association and upon the roll of states being called av the next annual meeting of the American Pharmacultical association Utah will proudly respond with a vigorous aye and an able representative We have ceased to be aback a-back number and propose to keep right in the front rank of advancement and I hope of prosperity pros-perity Alter severat other toasts the tanquetersre turned to their various homes to dream of the happy hours of idleness and to be sturbed by the ringing of the night bell I Press Clnb The board of managers of the Press club together to-gether with a number of members held their usual monthly meeting last night lathe Press club rooms a very interesting and enthusiastic enthusi-astic one by the way Business of importance was transacted and it was deckled to give an informal reception early next week for mem hers and their families Later a reception will be tendered the friends of the club the quar ers now occupied are inadequate for such u gathering The board of managers held an executive session whch lasted until U oclock and adjourned to meet atain the first Wednes Cay of next month Tne financial prosperity and the Increase of membership places the club In excellent condition The generous public has added not a little to the comfort and elegance of the apartments and It will be gratifying to friends of the Press to know such goodreaults have been attained Ancient Order of Forresters The Court Prldo ofUtah Ancient Order or Forresters gave a social concert and dance at the Metropolitan parlors last evening ai which there were about one hundred and fifty persons present Everything was free to the guests There was in the concert line a piano solo by Prof Uveilale a song by Mr W Koblnson a reading by Dr Hanchett a song by Prof Uvedalo and a speech by Chief KangerW H Wood who called up two past chief ranger brothers Kramer and Clark who were each presented with a neat silver badge by Dr Hanchett with a tow remarks in beholt ot the order Dancing commenced at 020 and con tinned till 130 The idea m giving this social was to increase the membersQlp of the court Light lunch was served during the eveninsr Some kind of a a cial party will be given every I month by the Forresters In order to keepup Its I reputation for sociability |