Show TilE WOftLUi FAIR BILL After all It may bo that Congress will pass the Utah Worlds fair bill which was vetoed by tho governor The House committee com-mittee on territories Tuesday reported the bill favorably the report itself being avery a-very strong argument in favor of the pass iago of the bill The report is also signed by all members of tho committee hence it il i not likely the bill will encounter opposition opposi-tion when called up for consideration Thero is no party politics in it and the commIttee com-mIttee promptly dispose of the governors unwarranted claim to the right to name jtho board of commissioners for carrying tbe bill into effect as follows This object on related to the second section of the bill which undertook to constitute the board and to name its members and the objection objec-tion was based upon tho opinion that the members mem-bers of the board would have been officers within tho meaning of the provisions of the quoted section of tile organic act and that therefpre their appointment could not bo made by an act ot the legislature Your committee does not regard it as a material consideration that ttte governor was mistaken in his understanding of that section but In support of the proposition thathe was In error attention Is called to the same authority which seems to dispose of the opinion that tho men named as commissioners whose duty is confined to a specific temporary or transient purpose not political In its nature or arising from ordinary government affairs are anything more than the mere agents of the authority which creates their functions Th s is followed by the citation of a number num-ber of cases of a similar character going to show that theleglslature was right and tbo governor wrong j I THE HERALD did not thinK Congress would pass this bill as in doing so it would go I j farther than it has ever gone in legislating i for the territories but this report making j the strong argument that it doe l and re1 I ceiving the endorsement both Democrats and Republicans makes it more than probable prob-able that the bill will become law and rnd our exhibit at the Worlds falr will be managed by the board designated the lee islativo assembly Congressmen generally are desirous that the exhibition shall be liS complete and grand as possible and that every section of tho country shall be fairly represented and as Utah throuch her representatives re-presentatives has petitioned Congress fate th fat-e passage of this bill with tho attendant privilegelof making a display at Chicago next year wemay reasonably expect there will be practical unanimity of members when the Dili shall be placed upon its passage pass-age ageTho The affair Is assuming a decidedly inter eating phase and to nonecau it be more in te eotIug and instructive than to the governor gov-ernor whoso huliddzlng tactics were not successful in this instance |