Show MR PEFFER GROVS r 4 QUTE GALNT I A StrongArgument in Favor of Woman Suffrage WOMAN GOD BLESS HEB IS HIS MOTTO His Speech llcceiTca With Strong 3Iarfcs of Approval The YicePrehident Casts the Deciding Decid-ing Vote on the Bill Compelling the Rode Ihlaiid to Stop its Trains stt Enid and Round Pond Raw Jins Concludes Hit Speech ou the Bland II111 The Vote Yet Far Away kWashington Feb 15The vicepres ident cane to the rescue of the Oklahoma Okla-homa townsite bill today and by his Vnte broke a tie and passed the bill compelling the Rock Island railroad to st < p its trains at the new towns of Enid and Round Pond This measure has been under discussion in the Senate Sen-ate for neirly a week and has been one oi the nies 1 hotly contested bills of the session The final vote stood 27 to 27 and the icepresident promptly exer cased his prerogative by casting the I deciding vote in favor of the bill The Senate amended the measure however how-ever and i must go back to the House fr the concurrence of that body Bcry and Palmer were the principal cnampimc of the bill Blackburn and Plat 11oIn the opponents The Senate went into executive ses ei in und considered the Peckham nomination with closed doors When the Senate met today George rrerent the credentials of Senator e1t Mcl awren of Mississippi and the oath of on < e was administered to the now senator A bill a presented by Hoar to prevent lottery practices through na li nal nd foreign mail Nice Harris fesented a bill to prevent a conflict between the federal and slate courts in all cases affecting private pri-vate rights 1 Y an the course of the proceedings on the townsite bill Peffer presented anal an-al idnunt to provide that in any election lor the location of county seats all citizens of the United States irrespective ir-respective of sex shall be entitled to vote oteH was opposed by Blackburn but Peffer made a strong speech in supporting sup-porting the amendment I intend said he to avail myself my-self of every opportunity to give woman wom-an God bless her every advantage ftvry right and every privilege I have t Applause The amendment was defeated 15 to 49 Those voting I for womans suffrage were Allison I j Carey Davis Dolph Frye Gallinger Hansbrough Kyle Manderson lich ol Ore Peffer Perkins Stewart Teller and Wilson the Senate adjourned Atkpthebnat a jolrn |