Show S 1 4 PARK CITY PICKINGS I V What Col Ferry Says on the Water Franchise Question I SNOW PILED MOUNTAINS HIGH Cruelty t Children Hoodlums and Their Antics 3Ilnes and Jllnlnc A Water Supply for Salt lake Ezra Thompson spent part of tho week in Salt Lake Civil Engineer M F Sturges was in town this week J L Osborno spent a few days in Salt Lake this week F G Lyngberg was in tow from Salt Lake on Wednesday No attractions aro hooked at tho Park opera > house this coming month Alderman E Kimball is still detained in Salt Lake on account of the sickness of his children No bullion or sulphide shipments were made this week from either theUntario weel eithe thelOntrlo or Daly mills The county court meet in Coalville next Monday Nothing important i expected J t como up Getch Campbell the Crescent leasers will have a 150 ton shipment ready by the first of tho week J M Easton tho popular representative of Tootle Hosea C of St Joe spent a couple of days in the Park this week Hon iS P Ferry returned to Salt Lake Wednesday to take his place in the Legisla lature Mr W V Rice accompanied him t the city A stand pipe for the use of U P engines has been put in at the depot The old tank was two miles from the Park and delays de-lays have been caused by its being so faraway far-away awaThe The Alliance tunnel is now in 2800 feet and contractor Judge says everything is progressing nicely Only 1000 feet remains re-mains to bo driven on this tunnel and the work will bo finished A largo number of Parkites are investIng invest-Ing their surplus cash in Zions realty and few are talking of going down to enter the business actively as agents For such we hare only best wishes for success A change has been made in the working for at the Anchor W S Wright resigning resign-ing and his place being filled by James Mc Ginty an able and experienced miner who recently arrived in tho Park from California fornia foreman Mr Felix M Eeilly will be night The Creole No 2 is daily looking better and since tho new find last week sixty live tons of low grade ore has been taken out A hundred ton lot will be made up and concentrated at the Crescent cncntratd concentrator concen-trator The vein is eighteen inches thick and gives every indication of permanency A great deal moro snow has fallen recently re-cently than disappeared in the January pleasant weather An enormous quantity is now piled up in the mountains seemingly 4 seem-ingly enough t cflood all the valleys of Utah when melted No one need have any fear that thero will be any scarcity of water during the coming summer Sheriff Webber took the Dudlcr burglars from the Coalvillo jail to the frm Coalvio ji penitentiary pen-itentiary last Friday The prisoners were desperate men and the jail was not a safe place for them They were kept in irons all the time but they found no difficulty in getting free from them and a guard was necessary t control them Vanderbilts famous saying The public be damned put in choicer language found expression in the city council meeting last week when tho water question was being discussed I may happen that the petitioner peti-tioner for the franchise will not have a chance to bo dictated to by either th public or municipal corporation An informal meeting of the city council was held at the city hal Thursday night to discuss the water franchise question Four members were present but nothing definite va decided upon On account of the absence of Aldermen Kimball and Thomn son the special meeting t consider the question was not called by Mayor Newell Cnele Toms Cabin was played to a crowded house Friday night with the usual bloodhounds donkeys Topsys etc and seemed to give gereral satisfaction The advertised parade was not given on account of a delayed trail and many little ones were disappointed having stood on the streets and at the depot for hours waiting wait-ing to see the hounds and the donkeys The ore shipments this week were enormous enor-mous the total from all properties through i Mackintoshs sampler reaching 2443300 p pounds or 1224 tons Over half of the amount was shipped by the Ontario The different lot are a follows Ontario 147S030 pounds Daly 320740 pounds Mayflower 4C7bOO pounds Woodside 175000 pounds Total 2443300 pounds The ball t be given on St Patricks day for the benefit of Mrs Murphy promises to be a grand affair judging from the arrangements ar-rangements being made Tho needy ones have been well cared for in the Park this wit and the different benefits have been well patronized but there is no doubt but that the St Patrick bal will bo tho event of the season among the charitable efforts Kimball Bros are harvesting their ice crop and large quantities are being brought into town and stored for private use This ice is brought from the ch of B S Kimball Kim-ball in Parleys Park and is of a good t quality A company will be organized to v enlarge the ponds put up extensive icehouses ice-houses and supply the Salt Lake market The property is on the line of the Salt Lako Sc Eastern and would no doubt be very successful At the Ontario Daly Anchor Crescent J Woodside and Alliance everything is run lung along as smoothly as usual and nothing noth-ing new is reported The Crescent and Alliance are almost covered up with snow and almost inaccessible At the Anchor drifting is still going on through the tunneling tun-neling The Woodside is getting out its usual shipments and the Ontario and Daly are still to the front with heavy shipments ship-ments The Cpmstock property was closed down Friday for a short time The ground has bon pretty thoroughly prospected and ECthinp more can b done until machinery is Ut in and the contemplated shaft sunk 1ut will be done as soon as tho weather will permit In the two crosscuts run recently ft re-cently from the face of tbe tunnel f cuty frm fac tunne ore of a fair grade has been encountered The faces of the drifts arc in quart streaked with fine ore but not in sufficient fnl sutcient quantities for st pment Estimates have been made for a line plantHf mining machinery and when in place the Comstsck will be one of the Parks leading le 1ng properties I TJC water franchise and Col M M Ferrys talk before the council last week I was the absorbing topic of conversation cnersaton during the present week The territorial I statutes gives thocity the right to fix the rate t be charped by water companies but the colonel declared that ho and his associates as-sociates did not intend t be dictated to is the jnatter of rates by the public or the mu ndpai corporation In the face of the sltutc this seczs pretty strong language fcspeiially a t the municipal corporation iopular opinion i for the citys furnishing Its own water supply and granting no franchise fran-chise s for that purpose t private corporations corpora-tions and we believe that the inuncipi corporation will lustein the verdict of the public in the matter On Thursday one of the coldest days of the winter when strong and hardy men wtro not comfortable without heavy coats gloves etc children could beacon on the streets poorly clad shivering and crying from cold One little fcllqwln particular not more than iive years of age with nothing no-thing but tin stockings and boots on his feet a little worn cap on the top of his head his ears neck hands and wrists bare fed xn the snow near the Anchor office and was so benumbed with cold that he could Aiardly ric He was assisted the snow < brushed off his clothing and he went on I 5 f Lls way to mail a letter for mamma1 a f lie said Hlz yinir was pitiful and hll who saw the littlo fellow were loud in their T condemnation of the mamma who sent JI v > im out in the cold to mail a letter Such cruelty t children should be punished and punished severely A crowd of hoodlums are growing up in the Park who some day will make things lively for the community in which they reside re-side They make night hideous now with their obscenity and vulgarity and are fit subjects for the reform school The con dition of these boys is directly chargeable to their parents for too many of them turn oat their little ones on the streets t grow up as best they can almost as soon I as they arc able to walk Many little ones lot over six years can be seen puffing away at clrgarettes and swearing like troopers These boys never realize the blessings and comforts of a home life and become hardened sinners before they are out of their knickerbockers The passage of the antitobacco bill the strict enforce ment of the citys curfew ordinance and the sending of a few of the toughs to the reform school would no doubt have a beneficial school Something in the line of reformation should be done in this direction 1 i ton Only one cae came up before the police court this week Old Jack Carpenter was arrested Sunday night for indecent exposure and on Monday was given twentyfive days and SiV by Justice Hayt His arrest was the outcome of a general row that occurodat his residence on Honor avenue sometimes known as the Carpenter Dive Mrs Carpenter Mrs Becket pnd a Mrs Reese entertain at I this place and some high old times are indulged in-dulged l in Old lh was tt satisfied with the way things were going Sunday night and laid cut Scotty Hunter one of the gentlemen visitors with an axhandlc i The officers were called but Scotty had disappeared and as Carpenter was i still ranting around he was taken in on the above charge The Carpenter 1 Car-penter home is one of the lowest of the low and something should be done by the proper authorities to break It up Almost any kind of a case of the Land L-and Li order could bo made up and a few of its occupants ol placed where they belong under the restraint of the law THE IIEKALU and Tribune have been recently re-cently discussing Salt Lakes water question ques-tion and the possibility of securing Big Cottonwcod creek a a permanent source of supply and have dismissed the subject on account of the immense outlay that wouldbe necessary to secure it Neither paper has touched on the question of storage at the head of the creek in which we believe is the solution of the water problem for Salt Lake city At the head of Big Cottonwood canon are eight lakes Brightons lake the two Twin lakes lake Mary lake Martha lake Catherine and Phoebe and Dog lake each of which is a natural reservoir Brightens lale lake Mary Dog lake and the Twin lakes at avery a-very small cost can be so increased in size that millions of gallons of water can be stored which in the fall winter and early spring runs to waste Wo believe enough water could bo stored in theso reservoirs res-ervoirs and the right of no one infringed oven which with the present supply from City Creek would furnish a city of 150000 inhabitants It may not be possible but the matter should be talked up and if possible the lakes secured by the city before be-fore private parties work up a scheme to establish reservoirs which is now being thought of C A S |