Show Cowardice IB Women Another cause of unhappiness in womenI mean those fighting with real misfortunes ia their cowardice Brought up to consider not merely right and wrong but many secondary tbinge tbe opinion of the world of their friends and relationsand flil one of your writers observes weighed down by their own morbid consciences they submit tamely to evils from which a firm and persistent will would soon have freed them Many an act which looka like selfsacrifice is at the ere mera weakness fear of the world of the anger or annoyance annoy-ance of those who have no right to be either angry or annoyed ia truth tbat fear 01 man which bringetn a snare I think the first lesson to be taught our girls like oar bpyeis to bo afraid of nothing except doing wrong Then though we women may be sorely tried in car ardent turbulent girlhood our hard worked matron hood our solitary and often dreary old age we none of us need to be unhappy women and we shall be saved at least from that greatest curse of allthat of making other people unhappy |