Show = Republican Pow wow Deer Park MA 3About thirty prominent Ilepubl cans ana Gree backers o West Virginia are eatbered at Deer Park Hotel here It Is said at the icutance of otephen B ElktaB the Republican national committee held a conference with doora closed and curtains down which listed three hours thoe present wera Elklns among who presided Congressman Goff Messrs Maxwell fusion candidate for Governor of West Virginia Flick candidate for attorney general A plan of operations and general conduct of the campaign we a deciaed upon Elkins it is understood under-stood represented Mr Blames views The Greenbaokera were in some instances combatted by the Eepublcins several of whom were among those who in the State convention con-vention opposed fusion Harmony prevail d throughout and much good feeling was manifested over the proposed pro-posed liberal contributions from the national committee to aid in the canvassing as it progressed A belief gentlemen in I lief prevails among uttsndancs at the conference that Goff will withdraw his objections to becoming a candidate to succeed himself in Congress and that he will run a ciroum stance which they think will strengthen the Republican national and fusion State tickets succeeding At noon adjourned Atkins entertained enter-tained the whole party at Deer Park hotel where an elegant dinner war served after which came another session and subsequently a division Into smaller bcdies and a general series of caucuses There was a decided de-cided enthusiasm at the project of carrying the State Blane is expected at Elkins Cottage at Deer Park during the month wnere he will probably meet several of those who participated in to day a conference Prominent Democrats among the guests at Deer Park pre fees no uneasiness over the assertions of Elaine managers that they will capture the State and insist that ell the money tpeufc by Elkine Jones ani I others in Welt Virginia will leve EO much o combat in other and really doubtful states atmaster General Greshsm ar rived from the wet this nfternooo and will ppend Sunday With his I family who are at a hotel here |