Show Special Advertisements FOR BENT OR SALE and Work Ship Very cheap II good Continental Hotel Office opposite Armstrong the dC Buttcrfie to Comer Apply fiimbail Block WANTED ehirtironernone A firtclan woman at the City Laundry others need apply t 63 S i Tnird Weat Street StreetSTRAYED STRAYED Cow medium siza left A dirk red broke and portion of tail gone barn ddress houldpr J F on right branded li information to Box 1016 city Qr to T J Duncan at H B Clawsons hide and t wool depot SPLENDID CHANCE The fliest water poaar near the centre ofSaUL ke City never fails capable of driving a ten or eleven horse power For Salary BOCKHOM CTTMMISQS 1 FoJuly 17th 1884 LOST A Diamond Ring with three eeltinsr The Ender will be suitably rewarded + by leavine at this office FOR RENT Furnished Rooms with all Elegantly modern conveniences in states and 72 single et the Thompson Building W Second South street Ta i I DENTIST lately connected with J B Keyior Dr J R Van Aukin has removed to i prep the Bred o do all kinds Building of Dental where work ho is I Satisfaction guaranteed I E R CLUTE GENERAL I TRANSFER Ascrt to and from all depot j esperi I ccd Dmjmin iatiilactioii guaranteed Se i Jennings Son3 ncdKemingtoi > > neon 4 Co E E Clute t ACCIDENT Lea ci luTd and gassware cheap I or ear Lump store four door west of t lb ° tre I D1KTIST I C Uichcls Dentist Office oppo ito aikpr Hoite over SCl buy John far thug store Anelbttics given + Telephone in office pIORERSi711TSa1A1l1 as CO BKOKEKS No 261 Union Block stein street opposite theOverlandHcuss First Floor room Ho 2 Jx > ars made on Jewelry Diamonds and Watches etc Railroad tickets bought end sold I Unredeemed pledges sold at very low stea Business strictly confidential t fOOL GU WERS REFINED SULPHUR By the Car Load Can be obtained from the Sulphur Works lIsr Cove Crtck Utah For information ad Cress FEED DIOKRRT r H20 Sot Lako lty Utah CALL Al H DINVOODEYS FORE FOR-E X T E X X I A L REFRIGERATORS = r BEST WIRB CLOTH a d A Choice Line oft CHINA MATTING 3 A Fine Assortment of RATTAN Chairs = W H And a cplecdid Lotof Hew Iron Wreel 5 BABY CARRIAGES m L 1 A aOUlDWJ t AGKXT rOIL I HOCK SPEENGS Dm we a I ReD CA YON Jna Jail at ° WtORr and Pleasani e Valev Coal l I noCK SPBISQa Irere tYtrd 7 00 per toG I to-G W our r3101s WEBER Ing t11t1d > red u arried S3 00 per ton 6 50 and rom RED CA1YON eke YTed El 50 per ton yay > tOO ifor PLEASANT VALLEY a I 25IJe tOD at Ii 75 II gait t 4 t CARIJJADrorSAT YARD i l g HotelsiEestanrants Etc WHIT I HOUSE BEST FAMILY HOTEL I Main Street Salt Lako City Sates 1GO to S3OO per diy Special Hate by the seek Ol month ATJGTJ8TTJ3 PODLECII Eroorifitor STa JAKESHOTEL 3IAIN STREET A GREENWALD Proprietor FLBSTCLASS FAMILY HOTEL e3 THE r fTROPOLITAN Car Wet Temple Third South Streets Salt Lake City New Brick and iTewlylFurnished Large and well ventilated rooms Firstclass Sample Boons frr CommeroiilTratelers BATES SandS O per Day 53 Special Sntcs bythe ycek BECHTOL 4 RYAN Prow OLIPT HOUSE ova S C EWING Proprietor Main Street Salt Like City S Rates per day S2 Special rales by week or month FIR3TS1ASSSA ROOM OH GROUND FLOOR je31 PETERSONS MEAT MARKET I J W WEST B iJ TCJHER 7 laJSA tGE A SPECS Y Family Tpue Solicited1 icitedOrder Order by 701 plia 21V7 FIRST SOUTH fUo T OCItHOL UMMING OOKHOL LU OOKHOL U lMINGU OOKHOL UMMINGU OFFICE IN THE HERALD BLOCK > r = > Oppoile Norhl Contioenta Hotel Salt Luke City Utah SEARCHERS OF TITLES OF Rf AL ESTATE And of other Records LOANS NEGOTIATED On Reasonable Terms LEGAL PAPERS Carefully Drawn COMPANIES INCORPORATED Wills Drawn and Probated SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES Of Deceased Persona tpccislly solicited Applications for Divorce and I Alimony conJucted I EIcD Q s E3S Rented and Accounts Collected Col-lected I WATER RIGHTS OTHER TOCKS Territorial and C6anty Scrip Marketed i BOCKHDLT CUMMIN I fL THE HERALD BLOCS Banking U DEPOSJil1ABY + L DESERET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY II D Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 200000 18 Hdwdge President Vm Jenninsa Vice Brest eramora Little John Sharp Directors Tm W tutor I8 Hills Cashier Jas T LIUIe Aast shier + y + o Receive Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Sells Eschensa on New York San Francisco Cbic io St Louis Omaha London and Principal Honti pental Cities I i Makes Collections Remitting Proceeds Pro-ceeds Promptly r CORNICK CL BAN KERB SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Transact a General Banking I Business Careful attention given to the Sale of Orea and Bullion We solicit Consignments Con-signments guaranteeing tho Highest Market Prices Coleciooj made with prompt returns at i lowest rates Execute Orders for Purchase or Sale of StockE and Bonds at New York and San Francisco We Sell Erchangfl and Telegrnphls Transfers onbcadicg ciltles of the United States tiifO Furnish Sight Drafts or Remit Fonda to London Dublin Berlin Copenhagen Paris Stockholm and all other Prominent Points in Europe at Lowe Rates of lExchange Ce Wiest of Deposit Issued arable on Demand Active Actonnis 3oHclt C03EE5PONDENTS NEW YOBK Imtorttrs > and Traders National Na-tional Bantc Eonntza Brothers OBICAGO Commercial National Bank SAN FRANCISCOFirst National UoM Dank OilAHA Omaha National Bank ST LOOI3Stataa SaiD Association romp Tavrea Be H t i n r geld sc t Aa a t C g fie et SIOlfTS SAVINGS I t BANK AIm TRUST loMPIV J Is0 53 EASY TEMPLE STREET DOES A CSKERAU BANKING BUSINESS Pays 5 per cent interest on Savings I Depoaits MONEY TO LOAN On Approved Securities at Low Rates of Interest SALT LAKE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CQPfiPANY I T1 PIERPOHT Superintendent Office and Weeks One Block South of Utah Central Railway Depot Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Port-able Steam Engines and Boilers Mining and Hoisting Machinery Saw Mills Shafting Hangers Pulleys etc Boiler and Tank Work of all Kinds Made to Order Castings in Irjn Coiper and BraEs Wrought and Out Iron TTo k for Builders Iron Fronts Columns Lintels Sill Plates Grating etc etc JA MAY1r coN CO-N ears Dealers A1 GEN RAI G 1iEt31 VT1LL OPEN OlE OF HOSE FINE WILL in the HERALD NEW BUitDtStC About MAY FIRES with a care folly Eelecte Stock of Rooks Stationery Periodicals Magazines American anc1 English Hewspapors etc Also a choice assortment of Cigar Tobaccos To-baccos and a general lie of Smokers Articles Will receive EnbccripUcns for all publications Special attention paid to orders for English Newspapers 1 Wo have the agency for Enlarging Photographs in Oil or Water Colors I and will guarantee firatclsss work at reasonable figures We solicit a share of public p trcns end e-nd will endeavor to give general satisfaction satis-faction ftOrd rs by mail promptly attended to l Address P O Box 1074 Salt Lake City 1S Miscellaneous Advertising Cheats It has b como eo common to write the beginning of an article m an elegant interesting in-teresting manner Then run it into soma advertisement that we avoid all such And simplv call attention to the merits of Hop Bittera in as plain honest terms as possible To induce people To give them ono trial which PO proves their value that they will never uo anything else TIlE REMEDY so favorably noticed in all the papers Religions and secular is Having a large sale and is supplant lug all other medicines There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop Bittern have shown groat shrewdness shrewd-ness And ability In cojjpcundioj R medicine whose virtups ore so palpable to eveiy ones observation I Did She Die Sol oho lingered and suffered along pious pio-us away aH the time for years I The doctors doing her no flood CI And Hi lat was cured by this Hop Sitters the o pors any so much about Indeed Indeed How thankful we should be for that medicine A Daughters Misery Eleven years cur daughter Euffered on a > bed of misery 1 From a complication of kidnpy liver rhEumatic trouble and neiyoju debility Under the care of thebast physicians Who giva her disease various names But no relief And now she is restored to us in good sea th b > a eimplo a remedy as lop Bitters that we had shunned for yers before using itTHE PAR NTB Father isGetting Well My daughters say How touch better father is since housed ho-used Hop Bitters Ho isjjsttioj well after his long suffering suf-fering from disease declared incurable And wo ue EO gl sd that ho used your DUtera lL31Y ofTJica 2J Y 1f 1 f t d EOUfiSTRtAN STABLES Ono find ono naif Blocks West of WfOker Bros oa Second Scuih Street First lids Saddle Horses for either Indies or gentlemen m20 Jks X PZRQTISOK Proprietor PX C > S 1iiIa II BROTHERS D KEg AT D O CALDERS MUSIC PALACE Th6 W match ateatRoer Mills Best Grades of ROLLER i PROCESS FLOUR I RANDS PATENTS STRAIGHT BRANDS warranted as good a3 any made I In UtahTfce t The Highest Cash PrIce paid for Good I Wheat Telephone to the Mills Bo 105 OEeo I Idaho Bakery No 20 Second South Street B G HUSLEE Prop fY ALL ODDS THE EST EQUIPPED I RAILROAD IN THE WORLD Let line forever remembered that the CIIICAGO NORTHWSTR RAILW Y Is the best and shortest route to and from Chicago end Council Bluffs Omaha and that It is preferred by all well posted travelers when passing to or from CALIFORNIA AND COLORADO It also operate tie best route and the short line between Chic8O and St Paul and Minneapolis 1ihoantee i La Crosio Sparta Madison foil Howard Green Bay Wfe Wlnona Owa tonna Mankato Minn Cedar Rapids Des Moims Webster City Aliens Clinton afar sballtown Iowa Freeport Blain Rockford ItL are amongst its m iO local stations on its lines Among a few of the nametons points of in perionty enjoyed i by the patrons of this road are its DAY COACHES which are the finest that human art and Ingenuity can create its t Lfi Rn hj PALATIAL BLEEPING tARS which are models of comfort and elegance its PALACE DRAWING ROOM CABS which are nnsnr I passed by any and its widely celebrated I NORTHWESTERN DINING CARS The like of whicn are not run by any other I road anywhere In short it is asserted that Is oRB BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN THE All points Interest north northwest and west of Chicago business centres summer resorts and noted bunting and fishing grounds are accessible by the Yrions branches of this road It owns ands onlrola orer 5000 miles of road and has over 4CO passenger conductors constantly caring for its millions patrons > Aakyonr ticket agent for ticket via this route AND Kir NONE OTHER All leading ticket sgenta sell them It costa no more to travel on this route toat gives flrst class ccnmmodatlon than U does to go bj the poorly equipped roads For maps descriptive circulars and smnmei rejort papers or other Information not CD tamable at your local ticket office write to the ffffZyi PA8S AT 0 d ff WRY CHICAQO ILL f 3fl Railroad I UTAH nEVADA RAILWAY On and after WEDNESDAY TE 4TH 1SS4 The Utah and Nevada Railway Coat iany will run their trains as follows Sundays excepted Standard Mountain Iliac Leave Salt Lake City 840 am II Garfield 1000 Tooele 11JO Arrive at Terminus 1140 II Leave Terminus 1SK pm Tooele 1SO II Garfield 230 II ArriveealtLakeCity 315 THE DATHINC TRAIN Will leave Salt Lake CitY Sundays excepted epted for the Like at 510 pm returning arrive at 830 pm SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Bait Lake City for Black Bock and ferfield only at 10 no m and 480 p m returning re-turning arrive at 280 and 800 pm FARETo Black Rook and Garfield and re uiii on all Traits EOc Clijldron between 5 and 10 years of age 23a tSS l r ipadal Rates given to Sunday Schools Societies etc No freight will be received niter 4 p mi aF Fenton W W BITER Hen IVc and Pass Ast Uupt SALT LAKES WESTERN IVY Q d On and alter THURSDAY MAY 1ST 1884 Trains will run as follows STANDARD MOUNTAIN TIME Lean Lehl Junction at 845 a m Cedar Fort at 950 II Bush Valley at 1055 II Doremus at 1145 II 1 Ironton at 1220pm Arrive at Silver City at 1240 Leave Silver City at 100 p m r Ironton 130 II 11 Doromufl at MMMMH 225 > J RushValleyat3x0 Cedar Fort rt 400 Arrive at Lehi Junction at 510 > Connects with Utah Central train bay n Salt Lake at 730 a m Connects with Utah Central trail arriving at Salt Lake at 6SO p m W W BITER ttarSl Suet > F Crowkm Son nUDDUD nnOUlIft1 1 HOOFING PUT ON BY TSP RUBBER or sold by the bqnare also an kinds of JlaTAJj HOOfcllXd repaired and painted with SLATE RqOFINC ANT Also PLUMBING ana GAEFFIT TING Steam Pipes and Boilers covered to save Soul F CROW TON 8 SON I No 12 E Third South St P O Btz956 SALT LAKE CITY jell DI r P a STEIN IE aF SPECIALIST Former Partner o DR yak 11 TT I Es SAN FRANCISCO Ko 2G1 MaIn HtJ opp Overland House In Union Block Room No 1 First Floor Can bo consulted daily from V i oclock to 12 oclock am and from 2 to 6 oclock pm Sundays from 10 am to 1 pm He has had twentyfive years experience ex-perience in the special treatment of all Venereal Sexual and Chronic Diseases and guarantees to cure all urinary Diseases Syphilitic or MercuriaL Af fectiona of the Throat Skin or Bones NERVOUS DEBILITY IMpotency and Lost Manhood exhausted V Vitality Seminal Weakness Spennator rhca Paralys and all nhe terrible effects of Self Abuse youthful follies and excesses ex-cesses in malurar years Nocturnal Emission Emis-sion the effects of which 8e various maddening and destructive to both body and mind and unless cured will er minate fatally The presence of the disease causes a continual consciousness of a slow and graocal decay of all the power of body and mind with loss of manly power and vigor defective memory mem-ory heart affections ICES o eight noises in the head and cars confusion of ideas aversion to icciety excessive prostration trembling of the hands and limb consumption con-sumption marasmus and ultimate derangement de-rangement of the mind The will power becomes eo weak that the person seems to lose control of himself and cannot look one square in the face It also causes Dyspepsia and Indigestion with Hear and Kidney Disease Tapeworm Expelled In 21 Soars PILES Treated and Cured BuccesslalljHS a Consultttion at the office is JTEE and invited Thorough examination and advice ad-vice including analysis of urine 8 Come at once do not put It ± All correspondence atnctly confidential J i W SIMPSON A cw Invoice ot PUNCH JEDA3 AND OBCLISK G X GAR S WU sh W3 will tell to the Twda at the Very Lowest ligoru A Full Line I Calciminers General Snpplifs > l a j i fr > r I Miscellaneous t 1 11 I I r 1l 1 l 1 r MARK McKIMMINS Il 1 LIVERY FEED STABLES r < < i own no FfDGt Barouches end Carl ieJ la i 1 t n Nos 228 2W aad 2W Main dt n9 i t i T t I = B tF Eft Office No 141 Slain i i 1 str ot first dcor north of f J i Barratt Brce Telephone No 112 R i 1 1 1 l f 1 1 Package Transfer and FxcnrsMn W guns 1 tawny in J fi readiness Plan I Moving Pia Or s8S = > t gang and Furniture a Specmltyraaoa y Have the finest fourin hand Wagon that + was ever brought to this country FtR Are prepared for any sl = od parties TOl1rlsts will do well to call on the Star j f i Express l 1 1 lion Orders b7 TefeBhon r cel7fl Bioapt tttte = i t f I 1 i 11 J H EDQERLT it 115 Sale Proprietor P 14 1 t 1 STANDARD VARNISH WORKS l tf tql D ROBEMBERC L SONS 1 NEW YORK CHICAGO c j 1 f a 1 Standard GarriilB e VarQiSllfl3 11 m Jor Sale bv SEARS LIDDLE JS I Salt I Lake City Utah oral i 1 EE aiRY WAGKER i l I 5AC27 LAZE CITY I tt GALIFQfflli BREWERY j S j h 1 I S tager Beer Ale and Porter W 4 I Wholesale 101 < Retail j a I I t econd South Street Three doors oast I I i fi from Main Street 1 4 i j it I r ft 11 OlTY num STORE n A C i 1tlT In Hi VJ t lf1tlUUii c U ti I PROPUIJiTORS Corner Moan and Second South StreoU t > 111 r OLD ELEPHANT CORNER It i l i4 erg P8SGHlPTlOr 6 PHARMACY 3 a Pure Drugs t Patent Medicines Toilet Articles f r 4MD 2VEBY7BIKO TOUKD IH A flHST GLASS JRIIB STORE I1 t l REBQR1PTIONS FILLK oAt o-At ill Hours of the lay cr Night I by Competent Fharaaeiitz VVHOEESALH ORDERS Priced as low as any Drug a use In th To rltory J tHDQrlRTERS s I II II I I HOn DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY it 1 t AND i c x A SILVERWAR JOSLINpARK 150 East Temple St i SALTLAKE 1 1t t o + y n Orders by Mall Till receive Prompt Attes tioc II NEB LUMjlER YARD I moo S 1 EL SELLS t At the t Pioneer Lumber Itr Of ABM5120NQ t BAQLSX t I FIRST SOUTH STREET i Oppcdts llth Ward Meeting HOCK Ears at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 411 LUMBER OF ALLIGRADES A CcnslsUngln part of Floorln Bcc tine Roofing 1 Ceiling Picket Lath SMirloa YaMin Joist Door Window Trio f m I tr which Tlllbe 1Ild cheap |