Show A PRINTER TALKS His Ideas of Reid and the New York Tribune 1 SALT LAKE CITY Aug 11 84 Editors Herald Doubtless through a lack of knowledge know-ledge of all the fact your article in Sundays HERALD in reference to Whitelaw Reid is calculated to convey con-vey n false impression about his trouble with the T > pcgraphlcal Union and to make it appear that the Union is responsible for the tr uble Permit me to give you the facts Immediately after taking possession of the Tribune Whitelaw Red ejected Every Union man from the edUce and continued to run it with cheap labor until compelled by a strike of his hands last November to treat with the Typographical Union Through his foremana mnn devoid of honor he made a compact with that body that he would pay the Union scale of wages one year and that his office should thenceforth be a Union cfiice either party to the compact agreeing to give thirty days notice of ron intention to cancel the same Yet two weeks afterward without a moments warning a platoon of police po-lice jected the Union men f oat the office and installed a foico of disreputable disre-putable typos which Reid had been secretly cillecUng from the hour of making the compact This does not look much like the work of an honest manto violate awritfon siprenmnntr it shows the n hvvv reverse of bravery and honesty It is generally understood that in the absence of Horace Greeley while candidate for the Presidency Whitolaw Reid a man whom Gree ley had greatly befrlenaed took advantage ad-vantage of such absence to seize the office and by disreputable means instailedhimeel r as proprietorHon est old Horace was the first president presI-dent of the New York Typographical Typographi-cal Union and daring his proprietorship proprie-torship of the Tiibune never permitted per-mitted a nonunion printer to seta set-a type on his paper and his memory Is revered by every printer in the land who beileves that in the con nection with unions i their fellows they but help on the grand human tarian work of the common brotherhood broth-erhood of mankind P |