Show Wales i The Prince of 1i An inspired WashlngtoD appeared in Loyds ha S article chleforglln o the work the weekly on the poliCy ofJ the ing olnesei Wales The writer fays prince of of fes has no belief In B ° the Prince of the effacement of the the policy and will not shrink when etnpire association with or from neoany of the Imperial responsi extension though opposed to aggression bilities therefore drawn to the WB ia sioDfi who have broken from the radicals of the Manchester peace traditions article further recites The i party heir apparent to the thwne 4 taCd Va free trader on of England lnd regrets the existence ncipnrntectlm party in other of 11 protecthn the gronnd that hostile countries on other forms of inter beget Wis 1I03tIIilty He considers nationd 0 tl10 ideas and plans that tnSnv wIth socialism are it1et1fltd DOW jde chtieiian and constitutional oIuugbIY practical Respecting forms 0fgOverflment he accepts the peoples of dictum that what is best administered pIeS constitutional ministered h the best and is the most econom monarchy ent because it leal i form of g verun Sp7 individuals in re check upon S Jtion keePs to exravaiance and Jot toy S idea in the abstract republican The facinating 5n practice delusive delu-sive Is very and costly through waste and unstalble especially in the foreign policy which should be permeated principle common to all fixed by a of the state the Prince behaves parties monarchy will haves the English nenclns of endure because it is the and having what real republic the need a centre of other republic 1 gravity apart from all yet allied to all |