Show The Crooked Cashier New York 11Tht Wall Street bank closed its doors this morning owing to the irregularities of its cashier and will remain closed until matters are investigated The president presi-dent is Thomas W Evans cashier Jonn P Dickson The bank is sit l1ttArf at 15 Broad street ad 1 u u u a state bank When the last annual statement was issued September 18th 1883 the figures were Paid up capital 500000 surplus 65198 undivided profits 47736 Kernans agency reports The vicePresident states the clearance of the bank will go through the clearing house today to-day The capital stock 200000 will probably be swept away Depositors De-positors will eventually be paid in full It Is likely 50 per cent will be pa d them by the end of the week The cashiers sbor age Is stated to be 200000 and the bank has 50000 bad debs C F Tom on and C J Qsborn directors cf the Wall street Bank on Saturday night and Sunday Sun-day made A thorough examination and decided in justice to ali parties not to open the institution this morning The result of their examination is tollows Deposit 51220000 call loans 81110 000 good business paper 350000 cash 8185 000 Casnier J P Dickinson has been lending money too freely on insufficient grounds It is estimated es-timated the loss will be about 200000 The bank 1s aa a debtor at the clearing house 28000 this morning morn-ing which has been paid It is es tima ed depositors will be paid in full and part of the capital stock will remain President Evans of the Wall Street bank says depositors will be paid in full In Saturdays hank statement ii fie beak flguiedSfor 1540500 lea Sand S-and Jiscounts oO40u specie 5122 000 legal tender 1133300 deposits |