Show NOTICE TO SFBSCBIBEBS IIi if I Ii Subscribers will confer a favor by for warding inform itionto this office when I i their ptperi ere not duly delivered I This will greatly aid ua in our efforts to i determine where the fault lies I > I ii j Bay a bottle of genuine Montser II I I I rat lime juice from G F Culmer h L Bros for making refreshing sum r I ruer drinks t < I I t Grand Opening I L ok out for the grand opening of the Arctic opposite the Theatre as the smiling face of Frank May will on that day be on exhibition f I Cheap Furniture Tba Utah Furniture Company i 2Jo 73 W Second South Street au v < jrtl 6 Store for rent and Goods fort j ae for-t r J ames E Footers 2 Foote-rs representing A H Andrews r < Co of Chicago the largest mann f factory in the world of School and t Church Furniture and Office Desks 1 i t Opera Chairs Bank Fittings Fold C I I lug Beds and Wood Mantles Globes lt 1l Haps Black Boards School Apparatus IJf Ap-paratus Etc Office and Sample I I J2aomI41 SouthMaln Street j 1 t What are the desirable qualities I 5naIiislserdye It must be con t l renleut to use easy to apply im i J1i L ipofsible to rub off elegant in appearances pearance and cheap In price I Buckinghams Dye for the Whis i JsMdinitea Itself all these merits t IDrySt I I J A magnificent programme will be given at Miss Nellie Steven concert I con-cert including Liszt Taussg Ku benstien Chopin Soc An orchestra of the best string players will assist under the direction of Prof Krouse This will be one of the most interesting inter-esting programmes ever rendered to a Salt Lake audience t The Opera House Band Will give the next of their popular excursions to Black Book on Wednesday Wed-nesday August 20 Trains leave Salt Lake City at840 a m 110 and 510 p m Returning arrive at 345 830 and 1145 p m The ball in the evening will commence at 7 oclock sharp t 1 To Our Patrons THE HEBALD will not Le re sponeJblp for debts contracted by any of its employes Parties extending ex-tending credit must look to the individuals indi-viduals for payment and not aeeo olae such accounts with those ot HEKALD tAN t-AN fllppnnh anr lr nf rnloicii and engraved window glass at G F Culmer Bios t r Special Notice On and after the 13th of August I will commence canning the celebrated cele-brated New York Count Oysters in Bait Lake These fine 03 stera are opened in New York expressly for my trade and the publlo are sure to get the best and at the lowest price One price to all D JOt forget the placeCoffee Johns Fulton Market Oyster House 137 and 139 East Temple Street salt Lake City Country orJers solicited and satisfaction satis-faction gee ran teed teedRespec ully t COFFEE JOHN lEA BUDS 7EA is A delicious uncolored unadulterated variety sold only by G F Culmer Bros Brost hEAL BARGAINS in larasola at i t AUKRBACH8 I I I Genuine Sure Pop I DEATH to insects whetLer in the house or out of door ot H DIKWOODKYS I BAKBATT BROTHERS dealers in furniture I I Great Annual Clearance Sale I All Summer Clothing Straw Hata and Under svear Alpaca Crate and Dusters White Linen and Marseilles Vests wil 1 be old at half he I prevailing prices at t L GOLD EIms Japanese Paper Napkins And all aorta of Stationery at BedRock Bed-Rock Prices at Pembrokes 50 Main Street t BROOK TROUT at PRICE Lo CLIVES I HEJJBY DINWOODEY has just received re-ceived tnree more carloads of furniture fur-niture and will sell cheap t Go to Chas K Bowring for all kinds of decorating and paper bang ing Old Constitution building 34 Main street it 1 Take Notice Now is the time to bring your frIends from Europe The following are the lowest rates ever offered emfgrante From Liverpool and London to Salt Lake SG3 from Germany and Paris to Salt Lake S8S from all points In Norway Sweden and Denmark 500 In formation for-mation furnished free by J A PETEBSEN PETEBSAgent 97 Third South street Box 3G9 Salt Lake City tOUR t-OUR Summer Silks are markea down EO low aa to make them preferable ° pre-ferable to wash materials F ATJEKBAOH BKO Decidedly Fresh Thats what everybody says of Durst and Vanhorns Frulta Butter etc which are the very best the market affords We Invite our friends to call and see for themselves I I t j DUEST VANIIOBN I University of Deseret The first term of the Academic fear 183485 of the University of Deseret will begin in the new tlni versity Building on Monday August 18th at 9 am Persons in the city vrho are prepared pre-pared to furnish students of the University with board or room or board and rooms will please report the fact either to the president of the Institution or to the janitor in the University Building corner of First North and Second West streets For further information relative to the Institution apply tot to-t JOHN E PAuL President St Marys Academy Salt Lake City Conducted by the Blstora of the Holy Cross Classes for boarders aud day pupilswill be remmed Mon day Sept 1st The course of study embraces all the branches of a thorough thor-ough and accomplished education Languages General Drawing and Vocal Music being included In the English course form no extra charge Terms moderate Small boys boarders received in senar ate department Halffare ticket can be procured for pupils For catalogue address as above f AcroRa VOCALISTS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS recommend HALF HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TA PIKES TOOTHACHE Dsors cure in one Minute f You Interested Yourself We ara prepared to sell to families fami-lies at the Occidental Pure Call lormn and Imported Wines at reduced re-duced prices The best of Liquor end Cigars always on hand yon < viI become convinced bv a trialS trial-S AUER Lt MTJRPBY PropTs I Snow aes of 111 kinds for saec for rent at G F Calmer S Bros A Grand Excursion FromNephl and intermediate point to Black Rock and Garfield AUg ° 16th 1884 Those wishing to jOb the excursion at Salt Lake can p0r chase tickets at Mr P atgfth vine depot 51 Firat South Btreet Whole tickets 50 cents half UcKew 25 cents for round trip Tickets c also be from agent at bought 15 tb of tla6 depot on the morning Pram arriving at Sale Lake City 1010 a m t HERnERT BAlE r Mans u31 F AUEBBACH BRO havfl Jvet a received some Beautifulsl t Lace and Edgiug3 to watch |