Show i GREEIT Reception at His Birthplace New Bedford 14The day was ushered in by a national salute and the ringing of church bells Crow sot s-ot people thronged the public places The decoration by the city government consists of four trium hall phal arches one at the city two on State sreet and one at the birthplace of Greely on Prospect 15000 strangers are street At least in the city At 1020 NewDuryport commanday proceeded to the house Sir of Lieutenant Greelys mother Knights C C Dave John N Pike resi entered the and H M Cross greeted the hon dence and waimly ored guests Lieutenant Greely the Knlghtb with presented the Sir American flag made by his wife than farther north which had been any other flag with a quest that it ba handed to Mayor Johnson for dgplay at the grand stand today Qreely was then escorted to a car rage being drawn by our white horSes The carriage of Gree y was then surrounded by six KtIgbts and the march taken up through the principal streets for the Citv hall where Mayor Johnson and Dr James Young were intrn duce I to Greely by Sir Knight Dalne who also presented the mayor with the flag referred to The mayor and Dr Young then tcok Hats In the carrage which was driven to its pIEce in the procession r rom bis mothers home t3 the city Greely was the recipient of applause and cheers to which he responded with bows and smiles At the City I ti all Greely said he was delighted Ito I-to get back to his old home but I sorry that 111 health prevented tha surviving comrades from accompanying accom-panying him The firet bit of American coa t he saw on his return from the Arctic was that sarrond Ing his native city He was nleascd to meet representatives of the press all with a single exception used him like man At 1130 the procession pro-cession moved under the Chief MarE > hallihlp of California Agres It was one of tbe finest processions aver fvvitnesed in Newburyport Knight Templars the Grand Army post sad five companies all turned out with full ranks as tne proce s ion started the indications pointed strongly to a rain but only a few drops fell and with the exception of the muddy Etreets the conditions were all that could be desired At one oclock tne procession reached the grand stand Lieut Greely was driven to the stand and as he stepped on the platform The was given a grand reception band played Home Again The exercises began with Kllprs American Amer-ican hymn prayer by Rev l Jr Wallace Mayor Johmon addressed Lieut Greely and In behalf of the citizens Welcomed hIm home Greely acknowledged this in brief speech The band played Home Again and Mayor Johnson introduced Gov Robinson who welcomed Greely In behalf of Massachusetts The exercises closed at 140 by the band playing Hail to the Chief |