Show = CHIPS Livery men did a fine business Sunday 3 oa Mr J E Gilmer has returneq from the west at The present delightful weather a marvel to all is i The Tabernacle Choir party wni take this wlU place evening JK Waits is down froDl1on tana He returns Thursday The regular meeting of the City Council takes place this evening 1 The maximum temperature Ou It Monday was 50 ° minimum 35 ° The Walker House Opera stock I company arrived on Sunday night A few minor cases were disposed of before Justice Speirs on Monday Butte City has three skati31 rinks one a vast deal larger uJ that here The bullion shipments report on Monday aggregated in value t sum of 32990133 The Third District Court is still hard at work endeavoring to secaij a jury in the Hopt case It is that expected defiaite arrangements ar-rangements will soon be regarding re-garding the spring races here The hearing the matter ofjCase charged with embezzlement still in progress before Justice Speirs The Fortyseventh Congress b f defunct and no additional legialj tion has been passed regarding Utah Three other judgments were en tered against the Empire Company in the Third District Court on Saturday Sat-urday Mr Robert Dye wife and child leave this afternoon for San Francisco Fran-Cisco on business and pleasHre combined The appearance of the Harrisons at the Theatre on Thursday prom ises to be the occasion for a great deal of merriment On Monday evening next the promised reading by Miss Thomas assisted by the Unity Club will take place at the Theatre On Wednesday evening next tie Walker Opera House Company ap pear for the first time here a a company Manager Curran has decided to open with the play of Fate A postoflice has been established at Hoytsville Summit County and Emily S Hoyt appointed postmaster postmas-ter Henry Wall has been appointed fl postmaster at Alta Salt Lake County The typos made us say in our last issue that the Tabernacle choir reunion re-union would take place on Thursday I Thurs-day evening next We intended to say Tuesday as the sociable is held f this evening in the Social Hall commencing at 8 oclock Ogden had a fire between 2 and S oclockon Sunday morning believed to have been the work of an incendiary incen-diary Four places were burned L B Adams losing about 510000 partially covered by insurance The other losses are not given but are said to be fully covered by insurance insur-ance |