Show Postal Money Order Letlaln ten Washington 4The Senate passed the House bill modifying the postal money order system so as to authorize postmasters at money order offices under un-der authority of tbe postmastergeneral to issue postal notes In denominations of five dollars and under This is an important bill end will greatly facilitate the business of sending small sums through the malles It authorizes the issue of money order without corresponding corres-ponding advices of five dollars and loss to be on engraved paper and known as postal notes payable to bearer such notes to ha invalid after threw mrintlis The hrlder can after that time get par value applying to the postoffic department de-partment Washington For issuing a postal note a fee of three cents will be charged This Dill authorizes money orders in denominations of l00or lees None for more than 100 can be issued The following fees are fixed for money orders For orders not exceeding 8 cents from 10 to 15 f W cents from 515 to S30 llFcentt from 30 to 40 20 cents from 40 to 550 25 cents from 50 to 60 30 cents from 60to 70 35 cents from 70 totso 40 cents from 80 to 100 45 cents |