Show Capital Chips Washington 5The issue of standard silver dollars from the mints for the week ending March 3rd was 143495 Issue for the corresponding period last year 137497 Second Assistant Postmaster General Elmer superintendent Thompson of the railway mail service and Superintendent Slaterof the railway adjustment division were designated a committee to frame and submit to the postmastergeneral a system for gauging the rates of pay for carrying mail on railroad routes in accordance ac-cordance with the provision of the post office appropriation bill for the fiscal year B A Pritchard of this city has been placed upon the postal fraud list The inspector report shows be advertized himself as a paneion and patent attorney when in fact he had been debarred from practice before all the executive departments depart-ments Washington 4 Confirmations Edw L Curtis secretary of Idaho Edw Billows Bil-lows paymaster of the navy All the regular annual appropriation bills obtained passage in both houses and have become law The sundry civil bill the last upon which an agreement was reached in conference received the Presidents signature at 11 oclock this morning Secretry Folger has almost recovered from his reeent illness Ho was at the iressury department today and received a large number visitors |