Show 1 F J t I NOTICE j i THE SEVElAL DEPARTMENTS 1 of Zions Coouotrivf SJf isiii e In slitution will betltstJ lit day f < dit day the 31st instant for semi aneual ftock taking 1 Wt JENNINGS fitr r uptinltred bY4i twuayr Aarasaatl 410LG lYPBa R + RRRo d pa 7 O 4 s t 1 Iil J of i I I 4KIf4G POWDER Absolutely Puree Ihis powder never varies a marcel of parity strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot can-not be sold in competition with the mnltl tide of low test short weight alum or phosphate phos-phate powders Sold only in cans EOIAI lUBLrea JPowDua Oo Hew York tL w p e < = j x = i J nU I f WI O C1 M4y rq 6 MtCr 0 y t d ° > t e i1gl ar c g a Uj aaa 1 a g r a 18 lq a E was rt olio 9 lop r Mm E4c ul 2 1 a Z 00 og f oIS IC Ogrq < I OD p1csR iS 0 i i I r W 7 I By > I 1 Y f 0 t n = z t g = I tI1 l r 1 14 gE Z C > Q H co t d g tn F Ii l4 f t LEGAL NOTICE fn the Probate Court in and for Salt Lake County Territory 0 f Utah In the matter of the estate of John P Flynn deceased PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF L said court in said matter notice is hereby given that Wednesday the 31st Uy of January D l S3at 10 oclock a re ot raid day Rt this courtroom of pail Court at the 1 County Court Home in Sail Luke tsy has hewn uppoirtod by sii court the t time aid plnc firlbt he ririK of t ppution of William H Bird praying for tbo tdmwsiiri to pro tmto If tt certain document therewith tiled DJpaitmsr to te ho IIt a iIJ and poitnnl of Jhn P 1 Fly dl ed nd U 3 lt l frsrrriHry i u < 1 to siH ot t onei tot which t mv find plMon l re seij mtrwtod mv ptlrar rI ri 11 Ptp the prottitoif tail will fir for j urnntirg or letters testarcon ttty apr a-pr ycd frr Salt Lake City Jem y ij IIR 1 J LtrtSl tT jak P ante Cuurt salt L > c Ckaaty Ub i x I A iyt J filmy 4K Z AC J pj ALL + M Desirous of ° Purchasing e FIRSTCLASS ARTICLES j7 PBESC S C AT REASONABLE Pure PRICES ARE INTTTFD TO PAT A 7IEIT TO THIS THE PLeading P-Leading Establishment of 17Mh 0 OUR STOCK Of CIBClJLABS CLOAKS DOLAN FIRST U1sters mstarattess Pxff COMPRISES TH5 CHOICEST SELBCHOSS FBOH e EASTERN AND WESTERN > A MANUPACTORING CENTHS HPECiAiATmrnosiSDiaEOTED Z scotratiOTo v Jewelry Toys Fancy Goods J Imported Specially for Cora = maS C M TRADE FLUSHES VELVETS VELVETEENS and other 3DEESS GOODS IN ALMOST ENDLESS VARIETY TO SUIT CUSTOMERS OF EVERY GRADE AND TASTE Orde 0 BLANKETS IN GREAT VARIETY BOTH OF f H HOME EASTERN AND WESTERN MANUFACTURE OVJ z i WM JENNINGS I j AL1 HOTMJ Supt P f Beg S CLOSING OUT SALE I = II The ENTIRE STOCK of the PIONEER OIL AND LAMP STORE KIMBALL BLOCK Must be Sold in THIRTY DAYS to Close the Business CI III All Goods will be Retailed at COST PRICES Now is your time to get bargains in Lamps of all kinds Chandeliers Stand and Hanging Lamps Brackets Lanterns Lan-terns Burners Chimneys Table Cutlery Plated Ware Crockery Glassware etc etc Call early as the moat < Desirable Goods are going fast I A IELAND 00 je25 Tio ° 1254 First South Street QF r dow Ill J 9 a A p Q ENC E W DAVIS I DEALER ItN MAY I GRAIN I FLOUR I FEED AND GROCEKIISS SOIWH tEMPLE S iREB1J ty e < n Vnst and First West ttrrets Ralf B i > fX west of Valley Home north aid uf rirt > CHBEFS PLCSPTLY FILLED s5 i HAYNES 9 SONS BOltER MAKERS South Templo Street 1M blocks oast of Depot AU Kinds of Sheet or Plate IronWork Iron-Work Done r t t MADE BOILERS REPAIRED And Satisfaction Guaranteed We cn make any kind of Boilers beeper and warrant them than they cn be laid down from eastern manufacturers manufac-turers Our Work and Prices speak 01 themselves fJ27 H Hafflburgiagdeburg FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Aggregate Coital 16000000 w r R + t All risks accepted this Company arc participated partici-pated In by three of the largest German Fire Insurance Companies SLOW AND SURE 8 W DARKE CO WGENERAL GENERAL AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY HE WEEKLY STAID f Aal3INdTON t EsjtJshe Thirtyfuo Yea ttg fe ONE DOLLAR A JLJlrxuiL it DPLE PAPER OF FIFTY IX GOLWrm t fiiE WEEKLY STAR is a large independent double or eightpage sheet of fiftysix columns It contains a con-tains reports of Congress and alj the Government Departments V S Courts Washington News and Gossip Political l Personal Societyj and Local Affairs New York Correspondence Corres-pondence Stories Sketches Home Articles Fashion Religious ana Literary Notes Telegraph News having its own direct wire to New York the Markets Etc Etc It is published in a spaoioUj ° building of its own and print cm the latest and fastest printing and folding machinesin the world E ONLY Q1lI DOLLAR A YEAR TRY IT Ad CS THE WEEKLY STAR D Washington D C t I = L 8 8L ARABI N a = I Stfl e Hi l Lo t fae ano MIIC aut i t L E W p ry U Ft1 GJ Maauftclurer and Importer ol Mm T68s > SpioSiC Wales t Efe AND TCIIBLESALU > JQBBJtB 17 218 cfn St Salt r lfri isA |