Show F A Foreign Copenhagen 26Gamet the merchant mer-chant who fitted out the Artic exploring ex-ploring steamer Dymphua is organizing organ-izing a relief expedition Madrid 26A West Indian member of the Cortes has asked for an explanation as to the intention of the new cabinet regarding the regulations in Cuba permitting the use of iron in the corporal punishment punish-ment of negroes and protested against the Cuban treasury being burdened with the expense of Spanish Span-ish legations and consulates in America London 2CA settlement of the question between the land owners and crofters at Glendale Isle of Skye is expected as arbitration has been decided upon A heavy snow storm today in southeast Scotland In regard to the approaching demonstration in his case Brad laugh writes It is not very likely the liberal government will endeavor en-deavor to stop a perfectly legal demonstration and so provoke a serious riot Rome 26A fire in the Sforza Czarini Palace damaged the palace to the extent of 30000 A portion of the family archives were destroyed de-stroyed It is stated that the cabinets of Vienna Berlin Rome and St Petersburg Pe-tersburg have agreed to accept in principle the British foreign secre tarys views on the Egyptian question ques-tion as detailed in his circular note of the 3d instant to the English representatives rep-resentatives abroad Vienna 26In the lower house of the Reichsrath today in connection connec-tion with the collision between the steamers Cimlria and Sultan an interpellation was addressed to the government in favor of the use of electric light on railways and ships |