Show LATEST TELEGRAMS FORTYSIXrH CONGRESS + REGULAR SESSIONS SESSION-S EH ATX Washington 1C SIcPherion anti Baldwin presented petitions of women taking a constitutional amendmeii giving women the right of sufIrage Allison from the committee on finance announced that ho was directed di-rected by that committee to report back the joint resolution for the withdrawal with-drawal of the compulsory legal tender power of United Slates treasury notes Tho committee had made a verbal amendment to the resolution unanimously unani-mously agreeing to it and with the amendment directed him to report the resolution adversely He understood under-stood there was a minority report to bo presented otherwise ho shoald sub the indefinite postponement of the resolution Ho asked that it be placed on the calendar for the present So ordered Bayard from the same committee presented tho views of the minority accompanied by a resolution as follows fol-lows The undersigned believing the financial prosperity of tho country in order to be enduring and encore must be based upon money of actual and intrinsic value and tbtt our government govern-ment has no power and is incompetent incompe-tent to endow its paper obligations with Euch value and United States treasury notes in existence and in circulation being now redeemable in gold and silver com at the option of tho holder do recommend the withdrawal with-drawal of the compulsory legal tender power of euch notes and the passage of the subjoined resolution Signed FrancisKLernan Thomas F Bayard Here follovo the Bayard resolution heretofore published that teahury notes shall be receivable for all dues tithe United Stat s on duties on imports and shall not be otherwise legal tender Admitting the principle of tho resolution as to the power of government to make legal tender 1 reserve my action upon the resolution as to the time of withdrawal of the power given heretofore Signed William A Wallace reserving the right of amendment Signed Justin S Morrill Tho minority report was aIm placed on the calendar I The amendment made by the m jorityin the phraseology of the Bayard joint resolution merely changes the i words United States tresEury notes to United BUtsa notes I Knott chairman of the committee on judiciary reported a bill amending amend-ing the statutes as to tho jurisdiction j of tho circuit courts of the Unitsd t Statea and the removal of causes I from state courts Ordered printed I and recommitted I Whitehorne chairman of the con mitteo on naval affaire reported a I bill which was printed aol recommitted recom-mitted authorizing tho equipment of II ftn nYnoHttinn fn fhn A rntir > 3no Morgan presented the credentials o Luke Preyor appointed senator froir Alabama Preyor took tbe mcdifiec oathTho Tho 1 ill to relieve the United Slates treasurer from the amount non charged against him and deposited with the several states was taken up Thurman opposed the resolution Tho money belonged to the United States and should bo paid according to the original understanding The morning hour hving expired the bill went over and Morrill caled up for consideration his resolution instructing in-structing the finance committee to inquire into the practicability of refunding re-funding the public debt at a less rate of interest than 4 per cent Ho argued that a lower rate of interest than 4 per cent cannot can-not be expected to hold any securities at par and that it would be for the beEt interests of the people to place our debt at home at 4 per cent rather than at a lower rate abroad Maxey from the committee on poatotBce reported favorably tae Sen lib bill for the delivery of dutiable articles in the mails and of indemnity indem-nity for lost registered article Calendar Cal-endar On motion of Davis of West Virginia Vir-ginia it was resolved that when tee Senate adjourn today it be until Mon i day next I The bill to establish a new laud district Dakala passed I Adjourned HOUSE Washington 15After some miscellaneous mis-cellaneous business consideration was resumed of the bill requiring onehalf the reserves of national banks to be kept in gold and silver coins of tho United States j Price of Iowa epoko in uppcrt of the bill He declared himself opposed < op-posed to any tinkering with the curl < renoy either as to the quantity or 4 quality of the paper which was circulating circu-lating He was also opposed to taking away tbe legal tender quality of greenbacks All prudent men spoke in thunder tones and aid let well enough alone At the conclusion of a short speech by Lewis in favor of the bill the morning hour expired and the bill went over without action The House then went tub committee commit-tee of the wlole on the report ot the committee of rules Hoar delivered a humorous end satirical speech regarding the new rules and made frequent and laughable laugha-ble allusions to the committee on manufactures which be represented The debate which folio wed was con fined exclusively to the question as to whether the committee on appropriations appro-priations or commerce should bare jurisdiction over the river and harbor bill and it was participated in by Spark Scales Warner Kenna Mills and Reagan Tho committee rose and Converse introduced a bill for the establishment of titles in the Hot Springs reservation Referred Adjourned |