Show PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES NOTI C ES Consult county e ewt lIt el elerk rk or ho the repee respective res pee tIe the Ier for ti f tion IN i mc THI t I lute bute division IM hi I and nd for Salt Lake Luke Lukei LakeI i lount state Plate of or Utah In I the Ui matter of oft tt t I estate tate tt ef of o Et nat Anderborg derberg A deceased Th rh The petition petit ef er II H M H U Lund Land d admin j i Ira tor or f the estate tate tat of or Ernst Ernet Ander Andert t rg g ox ard for confirmation or of the theale i iI ale I of the th following described real reel ea e eite tat late ite of or said 1 1 decedent to t wit Beginning at a a point 21 S 1 rods rod seat Nut t and 14 rods ro of ot the northwest corner corer of 0 the Ue southwest quarter of or section ecton 26 Zi town Mp Z range raJa 1 west Well Salt Lake in ht gait alt Lake Lak county state of rth and ad running b M east at t 6 i rode roda rodet tinner t tug north 3 feet eel thence the west 6 ro rM south 22 12 2 ft feet to t of rr beginning for the tM mini eum ra of SM And up uv n tIM the following terms to t wit Ca n upon IV confirmation by this court as ac a ap pars par ars from the return retura of or sale flied filed In td tt court rl has haa h bo s Ht ot t for hearing on oa IrMay IrI the Itie Ith oar day of or July JI A D Da 1910 at a d k p nu m at th county court courtl urt l 14 u ie In III l the court room of oC sal W court courtIn urt In J ir SIt Salt Lake Lak City 8 Jt Lake county I rah Witness Wit th the clerk of oC C said hi court coon with Ith the seal sl 1 thereof affixed thie t HUI day dayI of I June Jun A D Do 11 Seal Clerk erk By B L 1 P I Palmer Deputy Clork Clerk James Ja nt attorney for lor ad IN TOr COURT PRO VItO PRObate bate division In a i anU aM for Bait It Lake Lak Laker Lakee r e stat tate of or Utah In Iii Ute matter of or orthe the estate Ia t of Goor o deceased eased ed od Note Nolle The petition pot It Ion of Catherine K L tt 1 te praying for fur the t to liar Ilar rit D Travis of letters of oC adminis administration In the estate tato Ite of or George Doe Dee lit litti tl has boon bOOK I eeR set lOt t for fr hear hr InK ng on n D the sn day of July JI A Ai i 1 iia tl t A i 2 J clock p Po m at the t county urt houT hC u m in the th court r room of or said hi court in 11 i sell Halt lIt Lake IAk City cn hit Halt Lake county lt itah h Wit the he t clerk of eC saM eai court with th seal oral affixed rn this th lUk Oay 7 ot It r June iuS Ja i It i lo IUT iseal KeU Clerk jy y L I 1 1 I Palmor Deputy Clerk I t DISTRICT JI COURT VItO nt ot In 11 and nel for Salt Lako a af t f tv tale tt of f r Utah Utahn n th the matter of or the tho estate t of oC B II C CI I e eased Notice The ria rI petition or of Sarah rah praying for the th jUAn to herself of or letters ettere of or f In the estate OUttO tate of uC B U C Cirl irl He p deed has ha bees been II set ct for hoar hear InK on Krida the th lath lith day of 01 July Jv A Ai A AI i 1919 1910 At nt z clock Ik p Po m ui at a the t county h hO i in the court room reo of oC said ald kt tart r in la Sa Salt Sait t Lake lk City Salt Lake f v tah v the th t i clerk eIrk of saM eald court eort with 11 he ent ReI I thereof affixed affix thle fib Mth day dB or UI June A 1 I n Hit XAI 4 Seal SaI o Clerk Ju It U L I I 1 P Palmer almer D ty Clerk snyder Attorneys Att rye fer for Pe Pa Pent Pet nt t I toner ioner J AI i or of TRAPP Th T will sell cell II at private v 1 i wn n undivided Interest IDt In la ini fi i following property namely The Th tit h t quarter of or section octon U 35 south range west Bait Lk Jk tk meridian Itt In I dot I Lake Ike ak county Utah It a or after aUr uly T 1918 l and written It M wilt r 1 sit At t the th office C of r f B J Scot S f rn rny nr f fr r ne tl estate te 4 6 54 Boyd Doyd i Prk irk rk hsi blIn lint Salt Halt eIt Lake Lak City Utah T nan r of or ale s1 A certified check cIeck for j Jl i per fr cent to tu tJ accompany old bid helene balance lanee on Ut III r Y v of o the t th deed ROell O TRAPP A of kid ald Id K V Jo B R Sc tt attorney for the Ute tat tatU 4 S Boyd Park Perk Salt kit Lake Lakely cn ly U i 1 ed pd Juste Jun 1 1 3 21 I S lx TH THe DISTRICT D COURT O SALT Lake County or of Utah John J J 7 ThoMM plaintiff vs vi v Ono One On Ona I a ino Bourdon Jases Jaee Ja McDonald and andI I f tries i rl a Summons ms f am complaint The Th of Utah it t the I TI r Toil Tou To are ar h to sp ap a spir p pr ir r within twenty days t after the he perv MM of thi 1111 upon tapeD you If lIn t the county In ID which wille this action I 4 rought hf otherwise within thirty i i aft r and defend aCe the above boe flon and In I case eH of oC your youri oar i lure r o ii to I do ito n Judgment win wilt be ren rn d r i Int YOU von OU according accOrdia to the de do don dem m n of nf i t f complaint which hen has been r f I 1 wi wit i the th clerk clrk of said eald Id court This tion Is I b brought to quiet It plaintiffs M Ii I to the lir tk j I md In described In la suM amid w corn com Hint K D HOOK 1100 Attorney John S T Thomas p o Mr 12 2 Commercial Week Meek tilt u Lake LOk Ity Utah Vt ML M Mx J iV 1 x TJ 1 THIRD THID JUDICIAL DIS DISe e fO f Salt Lake Lak county l an ll M in 1 M Si Morae Ie plaintiff TS va Wit Wil William liam J qu II lT l frn l nt TP r tit f t of nf itch llah to In I the Ut said cold de H HI I nt I I ATe are ar hereby h to top 0 pr p Ir within twenty after ce r t this upon apo you y If thin 1110 th county In la which this thie action II t otherwise t within thirty o i iv i art tr 1 and anti defend dOt the theve thea t tat at a ve VC rit it i l I action cU and nd In I case calle of Or ofir ur ir ft Hiiro o n to dOv dO d judgment J t Will Willi i i ft you OU according to tonI demint nI of r the th which l 1 beta ben filed with the be clerk of eald urt rt rids tion IK I brought to t recover a aI awIt I wIt r t the boede of heretofore M be Mn ben e en n on It and nd the cad and ir ll titi iii II custody of t r Ute Use minor alnor son con I Ir r ir if jn n nii 1 plaintiff George Wal Wl Walon on ron Jur Iiri ri to plaintiff pia laUf JOSEPH JO R IL HAAS RAilS Attorney Att for Plaintiff C I 0 O tr 7 J 3 Utah Ca Savings 8 Tm Tt t Salt Lake Laic City Cat Utah IX 1 DiP DISTRICT COURT OF TUB Third judicial district of the tate state of ef County of Salt elt Lake plaintiff vs V Leroy R n nr Iter er r d fondant Summon ura uraTh The Th ln of Utah tah to Said DefendAnt Def at aty YOU y ar hereby ara to appear apper withIn m h I n twenty t n t diy days cia after atlar service of v vI vi I mo 1 upon pun 1 you If served with within in t th t county In which this U action Is to toi t i ought otherwise within thirty dale dara and defend dd the above en enI I It s tInn and nd In case cane of your failure m to do 1 ti Judgment will be rendered 1 t ln t oi H t accord I BK to the of 01 which has baa been filet filed th ith tl It ci erk rk of said amid Id court rt This Ibis ao au aoi aut att t i n 0 Is to recover a Judgment T oll 1 the th t h e bonds bond ot of r eitIng between you aRt anti aRtt the t i Ir R ft HALL Plaintiffs Attorney Slater Plaintiff V p 1 O 0 LoUmer Gt A At ft tit t 8 ond no nd South street Salt Bait Lake City llly STUn K n I i to i ii its U M n OTI Jo OK or F T erv fr e r linK ng There Th will be a sp val valm m mU tin of f r t thi h t e of ot the Nay Nav N NIn sj ci In CI nar A Milling at the ir If f th company Mi 14 l c k Ii air Lak Lake City 1 at 1 14 a m mon on trI f V JulY Jul 9 1 11 1 tot fot f the fOl fo 3 ni irP to wit witTo witTo witTo To el I i t A board of ot t v directors to torii tor rii r OUt 01 f for fr the th ensuing ye year ir r To ToIk III Ik hr hf ll proposition pro of or Ul iH u tt I I r con 01 A I Inn n an and n y the th prop L tt In la 0 fl I t of nf a t for fop the t rf r tn 1 for such suIi th t hr r tutu t i as CI r 1 om on fl v fr for IaN Itt t I ni nicA X cA MJ IV 0 MITTi ur rI 0 H Jf 8 Sr f r f rv Tn writing an ad a nut that furnished A ii 1 hax ha to fn rent r nt na In a con conns ns 0 t wh wi at 1 nay lIay if c in 1 i i W t It V IU l 1 o a 1 it t PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP I NOTICES Consult county clerk or the respective Uve ak ners for further Information IN n I TilE THE TU DISTRICT COUItT COURT PRO IRO PRObate bate division In tn and for or Salt Lake county count state of 0 Utah In the matter of ot the estate tate ot of Santa A Casio Casto de Notice The Tile petition of Robert D Casto Ca to ad of or the tho State estate of o Santa A ACasto ACasto ACanto Casto Canto deceased decea ed praying fer for an Ian order ef of e sale alo sub of 0 real property of salu dece decedent decedent dent and that all aU persons Orson appear r before the said court eurt to If show why an order should not be granted tc to t soil sell II so 80 much as aa shall be bo of or tho the following real teal estate of 0 said Id l ai Hl to wit lie J ginning one ODe hundred and six and two third rods west we t of the tho south southeast east esst st corner of ot fl twentysix 26 T 2 Z south It II Z 2 Vf y and running thence west wt one hundred Hit rods rode thence north ono one hundred sixty I Irod rode rod thence thene east O one hundred net 19 lee I rod rods and thence south one ono hundred sixty 16 rods to the place of o begin beginning ning nIn and containing one hundred IM lOd 1 acres ha lIu been n set Ht for hearing on Fri Friday Friday day daT the day of ot July A D 1919 lU at 2 p m at the te county court courthouse courthouse house In the court room of said ald court courtIn In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county count I Utah U Witness the tile clerk dork of said aid court with the seal this Uh day of June JuneA JuneA A D 1910 ZANE ZU WITCHER Seal SeaU Clerk By fly L P 1 Palmer lalmer I Deputy Clerk Clark Stewart Stewart Alexander at attorneys attorneys attorneys for petitioner IN TUB DISTRICT COURT PRO PRObate PRObate PRObate bate division In and for Salt Lake county state of ur Utah In the th matter of o the 00 estate of or Helen HelenM M Clement Deceased Notice The petition of 0 Salt Lake Security Trust Truet company administrator of or the estate elte of Helen M L Clement deceased praying for the follow following an order to sell sel tag lag described personal property of or said ld decedent deet to wit Household effects wearing apparel and aM Jewelry as described In the Inventory Inventory tory to has 1 boon been ben set Ht for hearing hering on Fri Friday Frid Frith day d the tho Ith th day of July A D 1310 1910 at atS atu S 2 clock u 0 p P nu m m at the county court courthouse house hovee b In the tho court curt room rom of said ald court courtin Utah la in Suit Salt Lake City Salt it Lake county VI the clerk elerk of f said court cart with wih the tho seal coal Hl thereof affixed this thi day ef or June ue A D 1910 1918 ZA Seal sal 1 Clerk Clerk By Ily HI I 1 L P Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk Clerk Petitioner Thompson Gibson Attorneys for IN TU DISTRICT COURT PRO PROt hat bato ty t t Utah Ut el in and fer Salt Su Lake court coun county cun In the matter of or the estate tte of 0 John Jon Johnson oh deceased de Notice The T petition of or Anna AD M 1 Johnson ad rid administratrix d ef of 0 the tle estate tato of John John Johnson son eon deceased teH praying for o the te settle settlement lettl ment It of final account ef 0 saM k adminis administratrix and al for the distribution of the rae of 0 the tho estate eMote to the persons en cn entitled cnUt entitled titled Ut has I been set for hearing on Fri Friday Frid Friday day d the day dy of or July Jul A A D 1910 at 2 I p m in at the county court bouse houe in la the Ue court room of 0 said le court courtIn eurt courtIn In la Utah Salt Sl Lake City Ct Salt Sl Lake county Witness the tho dork clerk cerk of 0 said MI court with wih the t seal fleat thereof affixed this Mth day dy of or June Jaae A D 1910 ZANE Z E r Zeal Seal 1 Clerk By D L I P Palmer Deputy Depty Clerk Clerk Stephens Smith Porter Attorneys for Petitioner IN TUB DISTRICT COURT PHO VItO bate bale division In tn and for Salt Lake county state tate of Utah Uta In IR the matter ef of the estate ette of 0 Lu I J J Hardy Mardy ee i ice The Tie petition of Henry T administrator of ot the estate of Lusan nah nak nh J 3 J Hardy deceased praying for an order of 0 sale 01 of O real I property of o said Ild decedent dedent and that alt all al I persons Interested appear apper before the saM a court crt to show shew cause way wn an should not Dot be granted to sell 81 so a ai hell thell hU be necessary of o the following described to wit real rel estate tto of 0 said ald deceased An undivided of in inand Inand inand and to the tho following described land landD and D premises in Salt Bit Lake Lako county count stats state of 0 Utah Uth to wit All AU of 0 lot lotin 3 survey la in block blok IK 11 plat 4 A Salt Lake City Also Ah all aU of or lot Ii U block 2 plat pint A Big Field survey surrey except the following tract to wit wi Commencing Hi 11 rods rod west wt from the southeast ocr cor corner cr nor ner Ir of 0 said al lot 11 1 thence north feet thence thene west went JG feet Zet south Huth place pl 1 iv feet of or beginning thence tb east Ot Its 16 feet tet to the Subject to trust trat deed oVed d ed securing a a promissory note note executed by the Ule de do deceased deCO ceased CO dated date August AUgat 9 1894 for 33 30 H tH 1 which said ld U deed dee is re recorded reer recorded corded In book bok JL of or mortgages mortgagee er pegs page 68 of the records in the office ef of r f the te county recorder reora of or Salt Lake nt Utah there thre being now a bat bal balance tl aces ance aR of or about abt 5 vM due and an owing under r said hi note awl and all trust deed Has Hat been ln set cot t for hearing harin on Friday the U day da of July Julf ul A D 1 1910 at 2 p m ra at the county count court ort ortI courthouse house bouse I in la the court ort room rom of 0 said Mi ai court courtIn urt Utah In I Salt t Lake Lk City CUT Salt Lake county Ont 11 Witness the th clerk of or said ald court crt with the tie seal 1 thereof ter affixed aCle title rd day of Juno June A D 11 me MARGARET ZA K WITCH BU fuei Clerk Cerk BV 13 tI L J P Palmer Palmr Deputy Dept Clerk Clerk B Willard Hamer Attorney for fer Peti Petitioner let SUMMONS SU S SIX IX IN TUX TUB THIRD JUDICIAL DIS DIStrict court crt In IR and a for Salt Sal Lake county state of Utah Uth Merest Moroni rt N lUll Hill lUl Hugh Ugh Park William U II l Park Prk and alI Jane Ja Wardell Warel plaintiffs vs ye Marari North and al Queen Quen North orth his hi wife wl Joseph ph Sharp R and aad d neta wU isis his bl wife wie Joseph Cornwall and aa Charlotte Cornwall his bis wife wIe Alex Alexander Alexander ander Her Ma F rI ne Jr r and W Grant MacFarlane his wife le and widow of David DI Grant deceased James am Grant Ga and aa 8 S 13 S Grant his hs wife wl Ann AMU Aa Grant Grat McCleary Sarah SarahJane Sr Jane Jan Ja Grant Gibson Mary ary Grant Mar Marshall Marabl Marabel shall abel abl John William Grant and Julia ula Grant his ii wife Grant New Newton N Nt ton toe t Rosetta Grant rant Mary lr Grant Gt Ben Belt Grant Tolman Tolma Lewis Lwis Grant and aad Maria Marla Grant his wife Rob Robert Robert Robort ert ort lube Grant Jedediah Grant Graat and Ann AIR Grant his wife and aDd tho unknown heirs heln and the unknown creditors of or David Grant deceased dOMse Washington Lemon Loa an anSI l the tie unknown heirs and unknown creditors of or Washington Lemon Alfred AJr Lemon Irum Lemon and Melissa 1 Lemon Smith C Lemon ln the unknown heirs heir of oC James ate Lemon Imon the unknown heirs of oC John JohnL Lemon L the th unknown heirs of Tacy Ann Ats Alf Lemon IA Merrill the unknown heirs holn of ot Jasper Lemon Imon the unknown heirs heir of or Willis 11 Lemon the unknown heirs heir of ot L Andrew Adrew L Lemon IAMon mon the unknown heirs hll ef or Oliver Lemon Iemon defendants The state of ot Utah Uth to the said ald defend defendants defendants ants aDu You Yu are hereby here summoned to toa |