Show FAILS TO INSURE HIS LOVE Mrs E N Wenzel Tells ells How She Tried to Buy Hus Husbands Husbands Husbands bands Devotion Emma Newman Weasel Wensel tells a astory astory astory story of implicit trust and misplaced faith in a husband hu band whose where love she tried to buy This tale is 1 told In her suit BUIt for divorce filed lied yesterday in the district court against Frank Wenzel After relating her story Ory of cruel treat treatment treatment treatment ment Including use uee of words wor by bJ Wen Ven Wenzel Wenzel Venzel zel which are unknown in polite so 80 society clety Mrs Wensel relates that her husband finally Induced her to deed teed to t him a half interest InterMit in real estate in Salt S Lake which Mrs Venal Wenzel says is worth The consideration con for this gift gUt on the part of the wife was the promise of ot her husband that he would treat treather tre treather t ther her right and beetow bestow the care and affection to which his wife was wa en entitled entitled entitled titled The deed was pawed after Wenzel had paid 44 indebtedness on the property and one week later he In Informed Informed Informed formed his hie wife that he had her where he wanted her Ier and that she had been several PaTera kinds of a fool for Cor thinking he would treat tre t her decently Mrs Mia Wenzel asks for a divorce and restoration of the property which she e paid as the price of peace and happi happl happiness ness nese which were wt re not delivered |