Show BREAKS INTO MISSION Burglar Loots Slot Machine in Pram a Cigar Store A burglar who had evidently se H secreted secreted himself under a seat eat In the theIon Mission Ion cigar store and 00 bar lit UI South Main lain street U remained In hiding l until the place piece was closed Thursday night He stole St t 0 In nickels Dicke from an auto ante automatic automatic matic change maker and 1 I In colas coins cot from a slot escaping through p pa a rear r door Harold Knudsen a clerk In the ci cigar cigar cigar gar department discovered dl the bur burglary burglary glary giaO shortly after 7 yesterday morning The burglar overlooked valuable pipes pip and smoking sets seta His attempts to open the cash register re an and safe afe failed tailed The dial knob was w found to be partially sprung and part of or an upper hinge hl Ke knocked off Julius manager of or the cigar store aid sold that none of the stock ock was stolen Rolen A pair pall of or gold phi cuff buttons were removed rOYed from cure cuffs left under uDder the counter by Mr Knudsen |