Show PRO PRODUCTION IS TOPIC OF MEETING hog llos- t S production in Utah were held In the Utah Yesterday when members of ot the thc c committee and state farm U met 11 to formulate plans devis- devis whereby by tho the I present bus- bus Would bo Improved d. d It was don do- do they thoy ey would oper co-oper co operate Ue with the n m Iut forces and that 1 li b be given throughout the thc 51 tho the best method to I e. e horse n I It WU will bo bu under tho the din dl- dl or of th the Utah farm bureau fIl fifty were at the tho t representing tho the growers pad pack and breeders breeder The meet meet- era erne presided over b by A. A E. E Lee n of or the r 8 swine committee |