Show I R. R O. O 1 C. C CADETS GAIN NE NEW HONORS Many l Qualifying in Bayonet Baronet Practice and on Firing b Range J n By DT CLAUDE Herald Correspondent Camp Kearney Jut July 15 After Ater After en enjoying enjoying en I join another three day vacation July 9 10 and nd 11 11 the Salt Lake Lako High school cadets have havo settled down to their last two weeks of or real hard work work- On July S the tho third and Jat last t inoculation inoculation inoculation tion for typhoid w given elven the cadets nece necessitating a 8 rest of or twenty four hours Outside o of a a. little dizziness the boys passed through the inoculation safely and are working orkin with a a. real vim On Monday y in infantry drill and bayonet bayonet bayonet bayo bayo- aro- aro net exercises wore completed by bya a large number of tho the cadets more than twenty five of or tho the company receiving proficiency certificates in one ono of these subjects In the afternoon minor tactics tactics tac- tac tics were taken up In preparation for forthe tho the warfare maneuver to be held b by bythe bythe the R. R O. O cr T. T C. C regiment July 26 27 1 and 28 8 tho the last throe days of or the en en- en On Tuesday the tho cadets of H company compan went on the rifle range for forthe forthe forthe the last time shoo shooting tins tins- some very fine scores On Saturday the tho tho R R. O. O T T. C. C regiment will parade In San Diego in honor of Vice President Marshall who is visiting that city Vice Pr President l- l dent Marshall will speak k to the cadets This will be bo followed by a barbecue and anda a danco dance later in teh day The Tho barbecue Is to be given s-iven by tho the San Dle Diego o Chamber Chamber Chamber Cham Cham- ber of or Commerce Athletics are aro taking up a 30 large e amount of time timo for some of tho the boys bos Baseball games eames which are arc played twice each week volley ball and indoor baseball baseball base base- ball are aro tho the main events Former ormer company compan H commander R R. R E. E formerly In charge of the tho F. F R. R 0 O. O T. T C C. at Ogden has hns been transferred and replaced by Captain Th The The former acting first sergeant MaJ O. O Rosendorf was replaced b by Sergt r t. t Charles E D. D Jenkins ins who was with tho the cadets at tho the East High school In turn Sergeant JenkIns Jenkins Jenkins Jenk Jenk- ins was as given en a position e of or ortho tho R. R O. O T T. C C. and replaced by Sergeant ne Recd d who Is at present with tho the company comp n I Tho The boys s are arc all working hard and antI some somo of them are bound to bring brine home honors honor of or which this school may be I proud |