Show CHOOSE RESERVES FOR BOXING TEAM New York July 15 Reserve Reser Reserve men for lor the tho Olympic boxing team were chosen tonight ht in a series of oC mat matches participated in b by men who previously previous had been defeated by winners in their respective classes Bouts were necessary necessary necessary sary to decide but five of ol the tho eight classes The men chosen are as to telI tel fol 1 I lows los o w s H. H Lewis U. U S. S A. A heavyweight hea J Fred Kolberg U. U S. S A. A of Niagara Falls Fans pound class dass Benjamin Ponteau Ponteau Ponteau Pon- Pon of St S1 Christopher club New York pound class Frank Di Genarro A. A C. C New Now York pound class Neal Brock Cleveland 0 O. US- US pound class G. G 13 fl U. U S. S N. N l G. G pound class J J. J A. A Cranston U. U S. S A. A pound ISO class and Ted Schneider ider U. U USA U.S.A. S. S A. A pound class |