Show NEXT TUESDAY next tuesday is pioneer da iu fatali it is a day suggestive of incidents of a character asso baled aitu the mormon people in iiii of the settlements of the saints im in llie capital city of the teni ory alic day will be properly and cn celebrated tiie it the will bo turned 0 ovard the fathers and alic noble biccs iley made for the love of true ir alic entrance of abe into the valley of salt lake vas indeed a lappy cocat alic of alie saints since that day presents a marked contrast compared i h that proceeding it the early rials endured by ohp pioneers were severe they were of a char to lest the faith of the strongest giong the people the loss of the and of many of the faithful ailts was acly felt it wag only y the blessings of the lord maui ested through the spirit in various bays that alic people pulled through there hare been troubles at times inac july 24 1817 but ot a ahat different the aco le been allowed to build up silica and to themselves in a goodly land prosperity has followed their efforts and they have many reasons to rejoice in celebrating pioneer day the heart grows lighter and the mind brighter when ing upon the progress alic great latter day work has made in abo world and the prospects many gloomy days of the catl have been followed by brighter ones and the future gives us hope that history in this respect will repeat itself |