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Show bers were DEWEY VILLE By Mrs. Wayne Fryer Ward Reunion Successful Over 300 people met to visit and renew acquaintances at the Ward reunion, last Saturday night. Dinner was served in the afternoon under the direction of Mrs. Jess Earl, with all committee members working to help. The tables were decorated with beautiful potted plants. That proevening, a with was presented Myrl gram Norr as master of ceremonies. It included a fashion show with spring outfits modeled by local ladies and girls. There were musical, dance numbers and a variety of readings. Maude Chidester, former resident, was called from the audience to give a reading, "My Sunday Britches" which she had made popular here through the years. Following the program, the floor was cleared for dancing. Later a floor show was given with Bee Hive girls, Scouts and Guide boys performing in a group dance. Two specialty num well-round- 'J done Ronald nesday night. Girls of the These Fourth, Fifth and Sixth grades were all crowd pleasers. Bishop had prepared a surprise supper Barrus spoke briefly and thank- there for her. Games were played everyone who had helped in ed during the party. Pamela, any way to ms e it such a suc- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cessful day. Jack Gordon, is leaving with her Attending the reunion from parents to make a new home in out of town were Mrs. Lettie Farr West. Burbank and Martella, Maple-toMr. and Mrs. Bob Greenwood, Ida., Mr. and Mrs. DeWain Salt Lake City, spent the weekLoveland and Brian, Roy, Mr. end at the Clarence Fryer home. and Mrs. Duett Loveland, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richardson and Mrs. Darrel Loveland and and children, Brigham, visited Judy, Mrs. Monroe Peterson, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon and Ault. Another Birthday family, Mr. and Mrs. James Ririe and Joyce Marie, Mr. and Larry Litchford, son of Mr. Mrs. Ralph Shelby and children, and Mrs. Charles Litchford, is Brigham City.Mr. and Mrs. six years old. Larry and his Bert Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. mother hosted a party, Saturday Alf Dewey, Ogden, Mrs. J. E. afternoon for a group of little Scheib, Pocatello, Mr. and Mrs. friends, at their home. Bill Warnke and Billy, Corinne, The names of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Rindlis-bache- r Ira Packer, Brigham City, were and girls, Logan, and left out of the account of Mrs. many others. N. Peter Marble's surprise party, Entertains For Daughter last week. The article also Mrs. Jack Germer was hostess should have said Mrs. Marble to members of the Third grade, received many useful and atFriday in honor of her daughter, tractive gifts. Sorry, folks. DeAnn's ninth birthday. The Relief Society Party children enjoyed playing a vamarried folk are cordially All riety of games and party good- invited by officers of the Relief ies. Miss Pamela Gordon was Society to meet Saturday night, at 7:30 p.m. in the recreation guest if honor at a surprise parMarch 17 ty at the Myrl Perry home, Wed- hall for their annual party. Supper will be served and followed by a good program and plenty of fun. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burbank are busy this week with' two of their little granddaughters, Penney and Louisa Burbank from Brigham City. Their mother, Mrs. Lowell Burbank, has a new baby girl born last week. Pearl Perry and Joe Heusser attended a homecoming In Kans-villSaturday. They also visited with Mrs. Perry's granddaughter, Gayle, who has been seriously ill in an Ogden hospital. They visited at the homes by Driggs and his partner. n, PEay DflnndfioDd e, .1 V with your M r 'Li Kanesville.'Mr. and Mrs. Char- lie Tiwav nnH fr anrl Alton Perry in Ogden, and with TVfi-- c Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wheatly in Hooper. N O T I C E TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Utah State Building Board for the construction of seven-staequipment sheds for the Utah State Road Commission at the following locations: Brigham City, Utah; Tremon-ton- , Utah; Monticello, Utah. Bids will be in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Haines & Purhonen, Architects, Salt Lake City, Utah, and same may be obtained from the office of the Superintendent of Construction, State Building Board, 419 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, upon receipt of $15.00 deposit, made payable to the Architects, and which deposit will be refunded upon return of such plans and specifications in good condition within ten days of the date set for the bid opening. Prequalification of biddeisi is required. Prior to any bidder receiving plans and specifications, it will be necessary that he have on file with the Utah State Department of Engineer! ing, completed and approved, the required prequalification statement pertaining to contrac tor's experience and financial condition. Bids will be received until the hour of 2:00 p.m. Thursday, March 29, 1956, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Governor's Board Room, State Capitol. A bid bond, cashier's or certified check in the amount of five per cent of the bid, made payable to the Utah State Building Board, shall accompany bid. The. State Building Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any formality or technicality in any bid in the interest of the State. STATE BUILDING BOARD J. G. King Supt. of Construction ll . (5) THE LEADER. Tremonion. Utah Thursday. March 15. 1958 Park Valley Missionary Returns Home CARL RJORN VISITS VISIT AT 1)01)1) HOME Mr. anil Mrs. Keith Darkle and family, Providence, and Mr. and Mrs. Doe Doman and family Elder John J. (Jay) Kunzler, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. A. Dodd, Sunday. reKunzler. Park Valley, has turned home after completing two years of service in the New VITIT IN OGDEN England Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Giles and He will be honored at a testiLee visited Sunday with Dr. J. monial on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. John A. Dixon and and March 11, at 1:00 p.m. in the and Mr. and Mrs. Porter family His Ward Park Valley chapel. Giles and family in Ogden. friends 4ke invited to attend. Elder Kunzler labored in Connecticut and Massachusetts and also worked for the past eight months in Nova Scotia, Canada. He plans to attend the Utah State Agricultural College in Logan. Carl Biorn, who was enroute to his home in Seattle, Wash., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bjorn and family, Wednesday and Thursday. AT WALTON HOME Mrs. Margaret Seely, San Diego, Calif., is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Walton. Mrs. Seely is a sister of Mrs. Walton. IT'G GREAT GQOVJIHG POTATOES Former Bear River Students at BYU of Twenty-nin- e graduates Bear River .High School are now attending Brigham Young University, according to official figures released today by school authorities. Those enrolled for winter quarter from here are: Leo Adams, Alma Anderson, Val Charlene Bronson, Bennett, Charwick Clarke, Margie Dider- icksen, Patricia Eliason, William Fox, Diana Foxley, Douglas Gibbs, Waldo Grant, Nadine Hall, Melba Hull, Hollis' Hon-soBoyd Josephson, Alma Larkin, Leon Mil Phyllis King, ler, Melba Misarsi, Mary Kay Nelson, Carolyn Parker, Donna Fae Roberts, Don Rogers, Diane Rose, Fred Rucker, Leona Ruck-eAnn La Dee Taylor, Karolyn Ward and Robert Woodhead. r SIMS! A duces QUALirr-dandPr-- ' better net CortPfa,0es with' faer, mo, ' 9 ,ves P'anrs a oncepomotesre-- ' n, Ill fl&SJ life &-:K-h r, f.--l 1 n ti II S3" w ft SUPER M HOC! DAY THE SECRET OP THE SMOOTHNIS IS IN THE SECOND COUPLING! And how yon get away! With the made flashing "go" that Hydrs-Mati- c so famous, plus a new liquid smoothness that's Jetaway's alone. Just try Jetaway. Pour on the power! Youll see the dramatic difference, when Oldsmobile's revolutionary transmission pairs with the Rocket 0 Jetaway features TWO fluid couplings to give you twice the smoothness! The second coupling fills and spills with speed to ease you into every driving range so quietly, so smoothly the change is almost imperceptible. Just try Oldsmobile's Jetaway . . . it's the greatest advance in auto-mattransmissions in 17 years! jet-lik- e Radios sputter? TV picture shrinks or flutters? Fuses blow? Light bulbs dim? All this probably means inadequate home wiring wires too weak, too few, too small, to carry full, healthy loads of electricity. Call an electrical contractor, and learn how easy it 'is to have your home wired adequately for modern living. powca Ck OLD StanM IVfl ... o AT YOUR OLDSMOMJ MINOS 121 EAST am So My 1 DEALER'S I WD, JMAROI CO. TREMONTON SI ml our Oata Show " D OLOSMOBIU SNOW HimtfU,0ltm ... MAIN YOU THI THRIUJNO "ACADEMY AWARD PUUNTATIONS on WIm tOpllM( riMta tart, FRONK CHEVROLET . UOIIT CO. trend-settin- g sure-foote- ... ic PHONE AL 74311 UTAH side treatment and "Intagritte Bumper." This Olds can be yours at a price that's amazingly low. Stop in today and see! -l VISIT THI "ROCKET ROOM" Buy from Your Ooofor welcome ease of the newest in modern power featnrest. And, when it comes to looks, Oldsmobile's Starfire styling is in a class by itself with its original Engine . . . 9.25-tocompression big! Here's super action with power to spare. What's more, in this Olds yon wing along in the solid assurance of d Safety-Rid- e its Chassis in the smart luxury of its fashionwith the ably tailored .interior . COUrt ON KK-T- V AN3 lASIO mh |