Show MEN BACK BACH AT WORK IN NEW HOTEL UTAH The Tho slight alight differences existing among amont tho laborers at the new Hotel Utah were satisfactorily fixed up this morning morn morn- tag ing at 30 JO 0 0 clock o'clock and nd tho the work is a again ain going oin ahead as usual The trouble came yesterday morning when about men carpenters help help- helpers ers era and plasterers quit work because the Otis Elevator company was running run run- nin ning an emergency elevator ele with a union non-union man as operator The brick layers working on the tho top story of the building did not go out as they are not poli affiliated with the Utah F Federation of Labor This mi morning at 10 0 o'clock elock a union man alan was put in in charge e of the elevator and all the men went back to work There was no trl uble at any time A. A H. H Parson contractor for the plastering and interior decorating of the building said this mornin morning that th the tho Otis people were perfectly willing to do tho the right thing and that they did not intend to start anything when the tho union non man was put on the machine yesterday The Tho elevator is merely a temporary one used for carrying material to the workmen workmen workmen work work- men on tho the upper stories of the tho build build- lag ing Reports Report's of an explosion of unknown ori origin u near noar the now new hotel were in circulation circulation cir cir cir- early carly this morning but were 1 unfounded |