Show WILEY IS GIVEN A GLEAN CLEAN BILL chief of chemistry bureau exonerated by committee of house that hinves ItI gAted charges against him washington dr platey IIa icy IN lle chief or the chemi tr bureau a 0 the hi of tile the storm center ol at tile lie pure fooie liv adminis conti ovi last su sura crar iq i gian axen a j clein bill oi 01 lillith in the re of tile the hollie ommittee om mitteL that in ill the charges ind counter ch aiges the ommittee in its report it thins tuns dr ile ien all along the line hue ex et elal IN 4 r diw V 01 ay t V 1 A 1 r r 4 DR HARVEY aa V WILEY chief of bureau of chemistry cert en n de nils tile the itil publican members niem beis of th joined anith ich tile democrats in mikail the inious there is no politics in fit the report leport said chairman mass of 0 the committee tills this fact to ethni with compromises on ome come of tile the is about aich the members ot of the committee differ of permitted a mil lull agreement agie ement |