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Show O Coming Marriage Announced Mrs. E. N. Wagstaff announres the roming marriage of her daughter, Reva, to Mr. Myron Moyle of Alpine. The event will take place next Thursday, Thurs-day, April 11, in the Salt Lake Temple. That evening a wedding reception re-ception is being given in their honor tn the Alpine Stake Tabernacle, for which three hundred invitations have been issued. Miss Wagstaff, since returning from the Southern States mission several years ago where she labored as an L. D. S. missionary, has been employed at Chipman's Mercantile, through which avenue she has made hosts of friends who join in wishing tier future happiness and success. She is prominent in church activities and functions, being an active worker work-er and organizer. Mr. Moyle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Moyle. He has labored as a missionary in the Western States mission, and since reluming has been a prominent leader in church activities. The many friends throughout the entire Alpine Slake are showering congratulations upon the young couple. They will make their future home in this city. |